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Posts published by “Paul Modic”

Escape From Southern Humboldt

Why is life so boring in Garberville these days, so boring I’ve been desperately trying to get out of town and drive to Mexico. It’s…

Another Tale From The Hills: The Sociopath

Remember the case of the whole family who died recently, one by one, over a period of several years? The father, Mike Nicklin, was a…

Big Fight

Back home in the racist flatlands of Northern Indiana to visit my old man I decided to not hassle him for one day, twenty-four hours…

Pablo’s Folly: The High Lifter Pump

Wasting time, money, and energy on The Marijuana Highway… (What's done is done and all I can do is look back with regret but that's…

Senior Issues: Sleep Update

In my quest for more/better sleep I am not eating three hours before bed, not drinking two hours before, and no screen time an hour…

Creating Our Realities

A friend was telling me about a complicated land dispute he was in the middle of and I said, “Well, we all create our own…


Have you ever taken Ecstasy? Is that what they call “Molly”? I never have, never wanted to, figured I never would, but now I’m wondering.…

Redheaded Black Belt

Kym Kemp has one of the best or possibly worst jobs around here. A self-made woman, she’s created her “Redheaded Black Belt” (RHBB) news website…

Back On Food Stamps

I am now officially poor, having gone full cycle: from dirty hippie living on food stamps, $42 a month fifty years ago, to landed gentry…
