Through the tumult of the last two years surrounding District Attorney David Eyster’s failed effort to prosecute county Auditor Chamise Cubbison there remains a constant. Eyster continues to host steak house banquets for employees and…
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There is a feeling today with some groups that ethnic history should be written by natives of that group. I see that as a fine idea going forward but dedicated ethnologists and archaeologists left us…
The sun is out, the skies are blue and we’re deep into Spring Training. But I live here in Mudville, and there is no joy in baseball 2025. ‘Twas not always thus. There was a…
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Sheriff Matt Kendall appeared before a receptive Board of Supervisors on Tuesday to explain why he wants more money in the next fiscal year, July 2025 to June 2026. Referring to his present budget, Kendall…
GEORGE GAINES, former owner of the Highland Ranch resort (sold to the controversial Blackbird Ranch people a few years ago) outside Philo has died at the age of 95. We not have any particulars. We…