I am 73 years old. I’ve lived through many political crises in this country, but I have never seen an attack on our democracy like this.…
Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”
What has become known as the “Cubbison Affair” is not only another blow to the already sullied reputation of Mendocino County, it is an indictment of the corrupt administration of District Attorney David Eyster.…
We, the undersigned, formally request that the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors take the necessary steps to return the positions of Auditor Controller and Treasurer Tax Collector to two separate, independent offices that are elected by Mendocino County voters…
The malicious prosecution case against duly elected County Auditor-Treasurer Chamise Cubbison has been dismissed. Now what?…
I’m a small vineyard owner, and the shocking truth is that in the past three years every sector, segment and sliver of the wine industry, top to bottom, all tiers — everyone blew it…
Like many residents of Mendocino County, I am concerned that our County government is not paying attention to the needs of the majority of the people.…
Most of us can agree that as the cannabis cultivation economy has devolved in the last decade or so our community, our environment, and our land base have all been negatively affected.…