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Field Notes From The Northcoast Outback

Superbowl Invitation

This is an outrage, this is a crime against nature: We have Carl here, a big sports fan who has humbly just listened on the radio to every 49ers game this year, watches the highlights on his phone, and all he wants to talk about is football and the 49ers, and yet he chooses to be in this rehearsal and miss the beginning of our most cherished national holiday, The Super Taylor Swift Bowl!

Yes, Carl, this is your life! This is the theatre stuff you love, these are your people, and who am I? Just your long-time sports buddy, who has taken you to a 49ers and a Giants game, yet you choose this random theatre rehearsal over watching the beginning of the big game with me. 

Something you might not know about this “gentle man” is that he loves boxing and unlike me, when a player gets hurt on the football field he always watches the replay multiple times, to gawk at the broken bones, twisted ankles, and grimaces of pain on the faces of the warrior gods writhing on the field, while I always turn my head and cough.

He loves that shit, but he loves you all more, the theatrical process, always seeing the positive and enjoying the adventure of experiencing an act evolve into something a little more than just an attention-getting device, and so he will miss the first quarter of the biggest game of the year, of years, of decades, of the century really.

This cannot stand, this is not right, I’m here to perform an intervention, I ask you theatre people, you amateur actors, to release Carl from this last half hour and let him come down to my nearby house where I have a chicken in the oven, barbecued by god!, with potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash with mango chutney sauce. You may ask but where are the greens and yes, there will be an all-organic twelve-veggie salad on the side, by god again, with maybe a fancy beer, and then I’ll give him a dark chocolate bar to take to his next stop, watching the rest of the game with his true loves, his “wives,” the old couple Susan and Jeannie. 

And what are they serving over there? Chips and salsa and cold lima beans from Winco? (Look at Carl, he loves to be fought over!) They probably don’t even care about the team, just want a glimpse of Taylor Swift, and will distract Carl with all sorts of conversation, when he just wants to watch the game. He will not have that problem at my house, only talk about the game is allowed, as I am an extreme control freak, perhaps why he chose his “mommies” over me.

I think this man, someone who we used to say resembled Harrison Ford, has made his point: He’s willing to sacrifice his sports joy (though one bad play by Brock Purdy will plunge him into disconsolate darkness) to show that you, his acting family, are all that matters. So please release him for the kickoff, a glance at the cute Taylor Swift with her bright red lips, and the big game.

Lets act together to help Carl overcome his deep feelings of unworthiness, huddling here in your bosom, and show him, tell him, that he is worthy enough to watch the first quarter of the game. Thank you, and Free Carl!

* * *

More Tales From The Hills: Grape-nuts

I was feeling great in town but became immediately depressed when I got back to my dark little cabin in the woods. I poured milk into a bowl of Grape-nuts and it tasted a little stale. I looked in the bowl and saw mouse turds floating on top. I lurched to the sink and barfed. Just then my uncle came halfway down my trail to visit for the first time. I said I had just barfed up mouse turds and he offered to stick his fingers down my throat. I told him it was bad timing and he went back up the trail. I never saw him again.

* * *

Mites and Mold

The worse time was the greenhouse era with all the mites and mold. After predator mites, lacewing larva, and Pyrethrum didn’t work someone said they were vacuuming their plants. I’d go out there at 11am every other morning, climb on the ladder with a shop vac, and vacuum the webs off the colas with a long improvised attachment as the sun burnt down on me. I decided to remove the roof and glass and grow out in the open.

I unscrewed a batten but it was securely caulked and wouldn’t move. The tempered glass pieces underneath them were also calked tight. I threw a rock at it with no success. I took a hammer and slammed it into the glass. Nothing. Next I took a pickaxe and slammed the pointy end into the glass. That worked. I spread plastic around the edge of the perimeter and smashed about forty sheets of the tempered glass.

* * *

Buying Plants Fiasco

Way back in the day I went over to the goat shed in Briceland to buy some plants from Crazy Will. I picked out a group of twenty plants and said I’d be back to get them in two weeks. He agreed.

Two weeks later I returned. The plants had grown a lot and as I started to load them up he said, “No! Not those, these over here.” He pointed to some smaller ones.

“Hey, we had a deal for these over here!” I said.

“No, these over here!” he said.

“That’s bullshit!” I said. Will picked up a jack and lifted it up threateningly. I picked up a rock about the size of a baseball, cocked my arm, and aimed it at his head. We stood there like that for a few moments. Was this the famous Mexican Stand-off?

Finally we cooled down and I shrugged and paid him $400 for the twenty plants.

(I saw him a couple weeks later in town and he smiled and started over to greet me. I turned and went the other way and ignored him for months.)

* * *

Massage Class

Whenever I’m driving to a big Gulch gathering memories of scenes out there over the years come flooding into my head in a pleasant wave of nostalgia. When heading to Beginnings for Nancy’s big 70th birthday party the other day I remembered a massage class that Joan had lead back in ’75 or so:

Upon arrival at the Tower House there were about ten naked people in the room. What could I do but take off my clothes too. Soon I was massaging a beautiful naked Star, although I remember having trouble focussing on her neck from above, necks can throw me. Then I was massaging Goat Don, and after a few minutes he opened his eyes and said “Will you stop dripping sweat on me?!”

* * *

It’s a Boy!

Births were often community events, they became like parties.

“Hey, Jan’s in labor, she’s having her baby!”

“Alright, let’s go over!”

Yerba’s birth of Sage in ’75 became one of those community events. Once I hitch-hiked to Willits three times within one month to be at the birth of a friend’s baby, it was the most amazing experience I ever had. Later people became a bit more private about it.

* * *

Last Tale From The Hills: California Shit Story

Back in the day it was often a cold rainy walk out to the outhouse so a neighbor, thank you Keith, came up with a brilliant solution: Shit on newspaper and burn it. Back then everyone had a wood-burning stove. This worked out well and we learned pretty quickly to push that bundle way back into the stove. There were some odd moments for visitors, like when during a dinner party little six-year-old Rosa, spread her newspaper in the corner and continued the family tradition.

So I burned shit during the long winter and then it was spring and I took a shit on newspaper but realized it was a nice day! Too warm to make a fire.

I put the package in a ziploc and stashed it up the hill behind my truck tire. Keith came by, glanced at it, and knew exactly what it was. I took it to town and settled on the Redway post office dumpster. Just as I was making my illicit drop-off the post master came out to confront me.

“Just this one time Jay,” I pleaded.


  1. Paul Modic Post author | February 17, 2024

    Control Freak
    Yesterday after the Superbowl I cut off the conversation.
    “Hey, don’t talk about our friends who aren’t here. It’s boring!” I said.
    Later while doing the dishes I heard them talking about me. “Don’t talk about me! Or about anyone else in the room. Can’t we just talk about something else?”
    Such is the life of the extreme control freak: me.
    “Hey! Stop talking about Trump, it’s depressing! I know, I brought it up and now I’m shutting it down.”
    Being an extreme control freak means controlling every second, because sitting there bored with other people is something I will not tolerate.
    The other day I was driving to Eureka with two close friends who hadn’t seen each other in a while: “Here are the rules: you can talk about anything you want in the car except something I’ve already heard. That is unacceptable!”
    The fear of boredom, even momentary boredom is one of our biggest fears, wouldn’t you say? Earlier in the day before the game a guy I rarely see was going on and on about the lap dancers he liked at the Tip Top Club. I was interested and asked questions but finally I was over it. “Okay, enough about that, change the subject.”
    After writing and reading this little essay it strikes me that I’m a big fucking baby who always wants his way. (Remind us of anyone, Mr Trump?) Maybe that’s the definition of a control freak?

  2. Paul Modic Post author | February 17, 2024

    Porn Addiction (2016)
    I hate to admit I got hooked on porn recently, as it seems uncreative and unattractive, and if people knew they might think less of me. Yet it is a real topic and issue which affects many, so why not talk about it? (Plus Gramps ain’t minding the store?)
    When I got my new computer two years ago I vowed not to contaminate it with porn sites. However, after about six months I had a moment of weakness one night, and looked at some random titties online. I instantly got so many viruses my Mac locked up and was useless! I had always heard that Macs didn’t require anti-virus software and it was a mite embarrassing to take my computer into my Mac guy to get it reamed out and condom-ized.
    “So was that like sticking it into a ‘glory hole’ in San Francisco?” I asked. “Going to porn sites without virus protection?”
    “Yes,” he said. “Exactly.” He got it all cleaned up, added a virus protector, and my computer was humming along again. I stayed off porn sites, I was scared straight.
    Then two months ago I stopped smoking pot. I had told my confused friend that maybe if she quit getting high for a couple days she would get clear enough to make a decision about her life. She got very defensive, told me not to judge her, and acted like addicts typically do when confronted, so I dropped it. When I got home I thought, “I should quit smoking for a couple days or months or years. I need to shake up MY life.”
    I had discovered a couple years ago that marijuana was an aphrodisiac which produced spectacular results when smoked just before. Afterward I would think, “Wow, this is what makes life worth living.” The problem was it didn’t always work and I would wake up groggy from the late night smoking session regretting it. I was only smoking for the aphrodisiac so ended up high way more evenings than I really wanted to be, ie, chasing that technicolor experience. (I also sometimes smoked just to dance.)
    So now I wasn’t smoking, so what to do? As part of my anti-drug campaign I decided it was worth it to trade in those glorious moments for a steady sober reality.
    But I turned to another drug: porn. For seven weeks I got regularly (twice a week) into it and as I did I knew that my organic fantasy life would diminish, but I kept going, for prostate health at least. (Since I wrote this I looked it up, and that’s pretty much a myth, unless you do it twenty-six times a month, umm, maybe I did that when I was twenty-four, forty-four years ago.)
    After those weeks of porn I figured it would take three or four months off of it to get back to a normal fantasy life, figure out what to do without the powerful marijuana aphrodisiac, or maybe just go back to smoking.
    Two weeks off and counting…

  3. Paul Modic Post author | February 17, 2024

    Hormones and Pronouns
    As I start the fourth column I’m surprised how easy it is, I had been worried and afraid the pressure of a weekly deadline would be too stressful, but not at all. On Friday morning I take my latest into the Independent office and the Editor slips me a hundy.
    “That’s pretty generous,” I say. “You must have a lot of legal name change biz these days?”
    “Oh, not really,” he says. “Hey, you donated $250 twenty-seven years ago to start the Indie, you know that’s about $17,000 in today’s dollars?” Damn, he’s a math wizard also, wow. “Otherwise we wouldn’t even be here right now.”
    “One new thing,” the Editor continues. “We want you to declare your hormones next to your name, hope that won’t be a problem.”
    “Hormones? You mean pronouns? That’s what the North Coast Journal (NCJ) tells its writers to do,” I say.
    “And it works pretty well for them,” he says. “See all those ads, nearly two thirds of the paper!”
    “I dunno, they have their best writer, Barry Evans, state his pronouns even though he doesn’t want to. He says they make him.” (Sure, he could take a stand, go up against them and refuse, but in a small town with limited options for publication, it’s probably just not worth it to poke the virtual-signaling bear, right?)
    “Yes, and we’re in a similar situation here,” the Editor says, “If you want your column to continue we want your hormones, pronouns, and any medications you may be taking, prescription or otherwise.”
    “What!? Why do you want to join those shamelessly politically correct libs at the NCJ with that nonsense? Look what they’re doing to Barry Evans, the smartest person in Humboldt County, making him jump through their silly pronoun hoops, and now you?”
    “Regardless of your opinion, I feel it’s important for the readers to know if, for example, you’re on anti-psychotic medications.”
    “How did you know about the anti-psychotic medication? It’s working, isn’t it?”
    “When I came over for a beer the other day I happened to notice them in your medicine cabinet.”
    “I told you to just go outside, or to use ‘The Urinator 2024’ on the back porch, if it’s raining!”
    “Have you sold any of those ‘Urinator 2024’s’ yet? I hope you’re not going to write about them in your column…I also saw some “ecstasy” in there, when we list that by your name you might actually pick up more readers.”
    “Hey, I only got that for a friend, then he changed his mind, and now I’m stuck with it. I’ve never done ecstasy, have you? You want some? Ray Oakes has been nibbling on that rock for the last couple weeks, notice any changes in him?”
    “Ha! So that’s why he’s acting like a Hippie Love God and trying to hug everyone in the office! Kinda cute actually…”
    “Well, I told Ray to lay off the powder, but…any restraining orders yet?”
    “Well, when we let him out on the streets with that camera, there have been some incidents. He’s kind of an “indoor cat” now. Nonetheless, make a list of your hormones, pronouns and medications, and also any issues you talk to your therapist about, and we’ll put them by your name in the paper, capice?”
    “I guess, umm, can I have my hundy now?”

  4. Paul Modic Post author | February 17, 2024

    Painting In The Rain
    The painters got rained out the first two days of the week and they showed up on Wednesday ready to go. (I pay the three of them a total of fifty dollars a day down here in Mexico, in the states I pay my painter fifty dollars for one hour.)
    It rained a little in the afternoon but the prep work continued. On Thursday they were hard at it and the rains came persistently in the afternoon. I sat in my office/bedroom watching it come down and wondering where the workers were finding shelter, maybe under the overhang by the door?
    I finally took an umbrella out for them, checked and found one of them under the stairs, and another holding a piece of cardboard over himself with one hand, while painting with the other. I gave one of them the umbrella and went back into my dry warm house.
    What is wrong with this picture? Because I am paying them so little was I treating them like animals? I am in horror now of my callousness, not giving a shit, when I did have a nice room they could shelter in for an hour or so. I could have brought in a radio and made them some hot tea.
    I feel stupid bad greedy mean and heartless, and when I see them manana I’m going to give them each a $20 bonus in guilt money, and tell them I’m sorry, about that rain thang.
    I’m a deplorable! But maybe I learned something.

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