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Posts published by “Tommy Wayne Kramer”

The Many Voices Of Sheridan Malone

The most shocking jolt I’ve ever experienced at an onstage performance came in the 1980s at the Ukiah Playhouse.  Daughter Emily and I were happily engrossed in ‘Oliver Twist,’ a kid-friendly play with plenty of…

Tobacco Takes Series Against Me, 2-0

In a lifetime filled with exciting adventures and thrilling escapades, only two have involved nicotine. Both these tobacco-related encounters were also thrilling and exciting, but with an added component of nauseating. And most memorably by…

On The Mountain House Road Again

During my last stretch home in Ukiah I promised myself a leisurely trip out Mountain House Road. I cashed that promise in and left Hopland, heading south.  I’ve lived 40 years in Ukiah, and like…

Time Waits For No One: Palace Re-Opens

Nostalgia and sentiment are grand emotions and I suspect most people devoted to the Bring Back the Palace movement are deep in the throes of rosy memories of lovely days gone by. I get it. …

Differences That Shed No Light

Those inspired by my tales of triumph and glory here in North Carolina might consider moving here. Be careful. It’s not inconceivable you’d find a place in the same town I’m in or even next…

Mark Fidrych, Shooting Star

The harsh gods of baseball have rained heavy blows upon me in recent years by stripping the name and emblem from a Cleveland team I’d been part of all my life.  Next, Oakland’s owners are…

All Rise For The Service Dog

Service Dogs are the Marine recruits of canines, fresh from drill camp, ready to take on the world.  Service Dogs are single-minded, utterly devoted and unswerving in their duty and loyalty. Because of their rigorous…
