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Posts published by “Tommy Wayne Kramer”

Breakout On Low Gap Road

Mid-winter, Ukiah, many years ago.  The sullen skies, the weary sun, the scheming team of idle men with crafty minds huddled in a cell at the county jail on Low Gap Road, planning an escape. …

Strong Towns, Weak Agenda

Ukiah’s City officials are hoping to rev up some of that old school spirit with an artificial “competition” among a few other cities, probably none so deficient as Ukiah, but you play the hand you’ve…

Rock ’N’ Roll, The Autopsy

Rock ’n’ Roll is dead, buried, gone and no one even showed up to mourn at its graveside. Or attend the Celebration of Death. It was once promised that “Rock ’n’ Roll Will Never Die,”…

Election Follies

It’s hard to know what to think about the compost bucket mess of a scandal at county elections, but I’m having fun trying. How about a Netflix series about a zany batch of incompetent government…

Hemorrhaging Jobs, We Limp On

Ukiah, the city where failure knows no bottom and where ineptitude goes unnoticed, is once again failing and those in charge are shrugging it off. The town is coming apart at the seams. Businesses are…

Yet Another Palace Hotel Memory

The Palace Hotel is in the news, but when isn’t it? The proud old gal was built in the 1880s and for 100 years was the cornerstone, landmark and the rock solid core of downtown…

Household Rulebook, NFL-Style

The American household suffers from a lack of rules. The average family has only vague notions of improper behavior, and consequences are rarely defined.  Rather than hazy misunderstandings about proper behavior, proper decor and proper…
