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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

A major item under discussion at the Board of Supervisors meeting this past Tuesday was a full-scale hearing on proposed fee increases wished-for by 16…

Colfax’s Finest Hour

If you haven’t had the opportunity be sure and read Mike Geniella’s excellent piece on David Colfax, former long-time Mendocino County Supervisor, who passed away…

Do No Harm

It appears we all made it through another week which is no insignificant accomplishment in these perilous, unsettled times. It's impossible not to recognize the…

Laytonville Grocery Crisis

Last week, the Laytonville Area Municipal Advisory Council (LAMAC) unanimously approved a letter-statement recognizing and thanking businesses, non-governmental organizations, and non-profits for their efforts in…

Kangaroo Looking For A Court

Here’s the latest installment in the super-politically charged, three-ring legal circus that is the Chamise Cubbison affair. At the Oct. 17 BOS meeting, the County’s…

Things Get Worse 

Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse in Mendocino County given its fiscal mess and talk of a bankruptcy-style reorganization plan, things get…

Real Deal On County’s Fiscal Crisis

Most folks know that for months, I’ve called for the County to stop talking about the County’s fiscal crisis and start doing something, get to…
