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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Cannabis Expansion Hornswoggle Rejected By Supes

Really good news from Tuesday’s (Sept. 10th) Board of Supervisors meeting. Since the Supes Tuesday meetings are also deadline day for the Observer, I only have time to report to you that the Supes voted…

And You Thought Political Reform Was A New Idea…

OK, here’s your civics quiz for the week. Who said the following? “It is no limitation upon property rights or freedom of contract to require that when men receive from government the privilege of doing…

No Problem At All With Supervisors “Recess”

It's impossible not to recognize the seemingly institutional dysfunction in the governing process of this county. Too many elected officials and “public servants” who are classified as department heads, middle management, and “staff,” go out…

The Real Deal On The Homeless Mess, In Case You Want To Know

In the past month I’ve written a couple of pieces on the homeless dilemma looking at what I call the Unholy Trinity, those inextricably intertwined maladies of homelessness, mental health afflictions, and substance abuse. We…

Mental Health & County Finances

In the past couple of weeks I’ve written columns dealing with the county’s (and the state’s) 50 years of failed mental health practices, programs, and policies. I’ve also shared with you my opinions and analysis…
