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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Pot Cultivation Expansion: Bad Idea

Those of you who have been around this County for a while are familiar with my views on the weed industry. I’m a poster boy for feeding at the pot manger. While I don’t grow…

Big Lies & Little Truths

As an historian, history tells me that this presidential election about to go down on Nov. 5 is the worst offering of prospective White House occupants in history. That’s three references to history in a…

Ukiah City Council Chickens Out On Prop 36

The state of California needs to abandon the Pandemic-era failed experiment with emptying its jails via “catch-and-release” policies that allow crooks and criminal misfits to avoid incarceration. Some of these new laws and policies seriously…

Braught’s Geiger’s Market Of Hopland Defaults On County Loan

At Tuesday’s, September 24 meeting, the Board of Supervisors received a report from staffer Kelly Hansen, of the County Executive Office Grants Unit on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program’s Covid-19 grant “closure.” The…

Appeals Court Bans Police Mug Shots (But Not For Long)

Last week the Sheriff’s Office posted this note on the Sheriff’s booking log webpage: “Due to a recent ruling of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in the case of Houston V. Maricopa, the Mendocino…

Cannabis Expansion Hornswoggle Rejected By Supes

Really good news from Tuesday’s (Sept. 10th) Board of Supervisors meeting. Since the Supes Tuesday meetings are also deadline day for the Observer, I only have time to report to you that the Supes voted…
