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Ukiah City Council Chickens Out On Prop 36

The state of California needs to abandon the Pandemic-era failed experiment with emptying its jails via “catch-and-release” policies that allow crooks and criminal misfits to avoid incarceration. Some of these new laws and policies seriously undermine basic public safety. To what end?

On the November 5th ballot is Proposition 36 that aims to implement tougher, more appropriate penalties for theft and drug trafficking in a state that’s earned a reputation for being “soft on crime.” If passed, some of these crimes that were previously classified as misdemeanors would be re-categorized as felonies, reversing Prop 47 which was passed back in 2014 that transformed what were felonies into misdemeanors.

Got it, make sense?

Only in California can this sort of absurdity occur on a regular basis.

If you review MCSO booking logs and arrest records you’ll find that probably a little less than a hundred or so offenders commit an outsized share of crime in this county, often without any, or very short periods of time detained in jail, that would have interrupted, or at least slowed the frequency of their criminal and anti-social activity.

Sheriff Kendall will tell you that when they’re successful in keeping some of these serial offenders locked up for a while, there’s an immediate nosedive in crime in the areas they hail from. It’s a fact that jail’s revolving doors allow suspects to pirouette in and out of jail, giving crooks the freedom to carry out even more crimes and anti-social mischief, and worse.

All across California out-of-control shoplifting is causing business owners — large and small — to either close their doors or reduce their hours of operations. Businesses are doing this because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.

Clearly these sorts of incidents and situations point to disturbing indications that our vital and indispensable institutions critical to fostering and protecting public safety are not functioning as they should.

Proposition 36 would make three changes to primary drug and theft laws and sentence enhancements: turning theft misdemeanors into felonies for repeat offenders; lengthening sentences for major drug sales and crimes committed by groups; and requiring prison time for some drug-related felonies instead of county jail sentencing.

Additionally, the proposition would establish a new court process for individuals repeatedly convicted of drug possession. This process will allow them to receive treatment instead of harsher penalties, with charges dismissed upon successful completion. If treatment is not completed, individuals will serve up to three years in prison.

Finally, courts would have to warn those convicted of selling drugs that they could face murder charges if the drugs they distribute lead to an individual’s death.

It’s a foundational concept in our democracy that people should never be asked to determine just what and how much they can put up with to live in society.

All people, but especially elected officials, should not need to be told to do the right thing.

At their Oct. 2 meeting, the Ukiah City Council discussed the possible approval of a resolution to support Prop 36.

Council members Doug Crane and Juan Orozco did the right thing recognizing that Prop 36’s primary purpose is to protect, restore and enhance public safety. Unfortunately, Mayor Josefina Dueñas and council members Mari Rodin and Susan Sher couldn’t quite bring themselves to do the right thing.

Anyway, here’s a report by Adam Gaska providing details on the Ukiah City Council meeting regarding Prop 36. Gaska is is a member of the Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council, as well as one of the leaders of efforts in Ukiah to clean up illegal homeless camps along streams and the Russian River in the Ukiah Valley.

One Comment

  1. mark g donegan October 19, 2024

    Jaun is the only capable person left on this counsel with a shred of credibility. Sher and Rodin have proven they will go with whoever keeps them in their seats while avoiding every hard decision laid before them.

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