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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Nazis & County High Finance

This week’s Supes meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 26, was Zoom-bombed by three or four idiots who called in with racist and anti-Semitic rants that were…

Audits & More Audits Of County Finances

Despite assurances from former County Executive Officer Carmel Angelo in March of 2022 upon her retirement that county finances were in good shape, that’s certainly…

Supervisors Retain Advisory Boards

It’s a pleasure to let you know the Board of Supervisors at their Tuesday, August 29th meeting, voted unanimously to retain Municipal Advisory Councils (MACs)…

Paying the Price for Progress

It’s amazing how many bright people we have in this county to educate us on the causal factors of what at first may appear to…

Hot, Pot, and a Lot

Quick weather note In case you’re wondering about our warm weather, you should know that since June 29th we’ve had 10 days at or above…

Resolving The ‘Duty To Avenge’

I want to let everyone know that the overwhelming number of positive responses to my recent series on “Crime and No Punishment” appears to be…
