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Posts published in “News”

Cubbison Preliminary Hearing Delayed For A Month

In a stunning turn, legal proceedings in the criminal prosecution of suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison ground to a halt Wednesday because of court scheduling conflicts and will not resume until Feb. 24. The…

Investigator Grilled As Cubbison Prelim Continues

Lt. Andrew Porter, the lead investigator in the felony prosecution of suspended Auditor Chamise Cubbison, acknowledged Tuesday that Cubbison’s former boss played a larger role in the high-profile case than originally presented publicly. Porter testified…

Former County Supervisor McGourty Denies Seeing DA Memo

Former Mendocino County Supervisor Glenn McGourty denies having seen a confidential memo to him from District Attorney David Eyster that is the focus of pending civil and criminal litigation surrounding suspended county Auditor Chamise Cubbison.…

MCSO Deputy Arrested In Ukiah

A Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office deputy was arrested Sunday evening on suspicion of domestic violence after a neighbor called the Ukiah Police Department, Chief Cedric Crook confirmed. According to the UPD press logs, an officer…

Supervisors Urged To Celebrate Their Excesses, Er, Successes

… “Success” as defined by them, anyway. For two full days this Tuesday and Wednesday the Supervisors gave themselves and their senior staff, the equivalent of participation trophies for mostly doing what they’re supposed to…
