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Posts published in “News”

Cubbison Case Prelim Resuming Amid New Disclosures

A preliminary hearing in the Chamise Cubbison criminal “misappropriation” case resumes Monday amid new disclosures about the roles of key County officials who allegedly engaged behind the scenes to oust the embattled Mendocino County Auditor-Controller.…

Supes Make No Decision On Weed Expansion

This past Tuesday, February 11, the Board of Supervisors once again took up the issue of a so-called “re-interpretation” by Cannabis Department staff of a provision in the Weed Ordinance that restricts cultivation areas to…

Shooting From The Hip Camp

It’s understandable that the Mendocino County Planning Commission had trouble coming up with even a draft of a regulatory framework for “Transient Habitation — Low Intensity Camping,” aka “Hip Camps” and the like. The complexity,…

Palace Hotel Wall Stabilization Work Nearly Complete

Water still drips from remaining gaps in portions of the Palace Hotel roof, creating small shallow pools scattered across the landmark’s ground floor. It is dank inside the cavernous structure; a reminder of the toll…

A Murder-Mystery Resurfaces In Recent Winter Storm

Thursday, February 13, join us for our, A-Bit-and-A-Bite, lunch hour program at the Mendocino County Museum. Museum volunteer, Carol Cox, will share the wild story behind a headstone that recently surfaced during a winter storm.…
