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Posts published in “News”

County Mulling ‘New Type Of Transient Habitation’

At its next Tuesday meeting, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors will again discuss whether or not to allow a “new type of transient habitation” referred to as “Low Intensity Camping.” According to the staff…

Supervisor Haschak’s Terrible Dilemma

Item 4c on next Tuesdays Board of Supervisors Agenda: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff Regarding “Rule 18a: Public Expression” of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak).”…

The Attack Of The Dwarf Bully Girls

In the early 1990s, AVA Cartoonist Dr. Doo (Fred Sternkopf) ran a series of cartoonish sketches depicting timber activist Judi Bari as a bodysuit-clad Wonder Woman, intrepid survivor of a murderous carbomb attack. Bari and…

Growing Old In American Cities

The old men and women in Stacy Torres’s new book, At Home in the Big City: Growing Old in Urban America, (UC Press; $29.95), are not like the original members of the Grey Panthers, the…

In The Wondrous Cabinet (No, Not Trump’s)

After weeks of bitter subzero temperatures, the Polar Vortex loosens its grip on Upstate New York. Far more tenacious and deadly was the Little Ice Age that kept Europe in its grasp for the entire…

Martin Olive

Martin Olive, 47, proprietor of a cannabis dispensary called the Vapor Room, is recovering at SF General Hospital, after being shot six times outside his shop at 4:55 PM on January 27. He has been…
