Our volunteer fire department needs our help. This election ballot includes Measure S, a $600 property tax measure that we need to pass to keep our fire and rescue service staffed, equipped and fully trained…
Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”
I am wondering if the SKUNK TRAIN reimbursed the owner of the Willits property for his legal expenses when Hart says the property owner won the suit…
So, who is this Alliance for a Better Fort Bragg? Why is their contact person located in Sacramento and what do they have to do with conservative Sacramento PR firm Kabateck Strategies?…
It is my understanding that there is still no in-home hospice in Fort Bragg. And the new version, if one can call it that, is based in the hospital for in house care only. Hardly a Hospice.…
I strongly agree with Skunk Train President Robert Jason Pinoli that the Great Redwood Trail needs reevaluation. While the railroad tracks in the Eel River wilderness are beyond repair, the tracks from Cloverdale to Willits are on stable and easily accessible ground…
I am writing to express my deep concern for the Navarro River in Anderson Valley and to request that an INVESTIGATION be done to determine the source of possible excessive nutrients being deposited into the river and its tributaries…
My husband and I were appalled to see the photo of the design for the new courthouse in a recent Ukiah Daily Journal. My first thought was that it looked like a prison…