- They’re Here! Do Not Cooperate!
- Local Coalition Calls For Restoration Of Independent Financial Offices
- Credit Sara Pierce
- Pomo History
- Here Comes Measles
- Patti Power
- Are We There Yet?
- Mrs. Behavior At AV Unified?
- Does The DA Have The Right To Remain Silent?
- Canadians Get Value
- Trump Cuts Hit Fort Bragg
- Ever Lower
- America Is Great Again
The ICE Man Cometh…
Today, friends who live in the Calpella area had their (Spanish-named) landscapers out to take care of some yard work. Answering a knock at the door while the crew was at work, they were confronted by a man in some kind of a uniform who asked if “Mario” was there. Our friend said nope, and the man proceeded to tell them that “Mario” was missing and then asked how long they had lived at the house. She responded, but then started to wonder who this person was. Turns out it was ICE.
They are here. Be careful everyone.
Alison de Grassi
Below is what I have sent out, representing MCFB. The other organizations will likely draft their own narrative as they promote the change.org petition.
In August 2021, the Mendocino County Auditor Controller (AC) retired early and recommended the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors (BOS) appoint the Assistant Auditor Controller to the position. During the September 5th, 2021 board meeting, the BOS declined to appoint the assistant AC as Acting AC after protests by the Mendocino County District Attorney (DA), who had historic grievances against the AC office due to their refusal to accept his questionable reimbursements for expenses deemed personal.
On November 15th, 2021 the majority of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors voted to consolidate the two elected, financial offices of Treasurer Tax Collector and Auditor Controller into one elected office against the wishes of the two incumbent elected office holders and many local individuals and organizations. This led to the early retirement of the MC Treasurer Tax Collector and departure of other senior staff.
The Assistant AC was the sole candidate for the now consolidated office, eventually being elected as the MC Auditor Controller Treasurer Tax Collector (ACTTC), much to the chagrin of the BOS, the County CEO, and the DA.
Since the beginning of the ACTTC’s term, it has been obvious that the BOS and CEO have no interest in working with or supporting the duly elected financial official. Instead, they have built a financial team under the CEO’s office making efforts to consolidate power with the goal of eventually transitioning fiscal oversight to a Chief Financial Officer chosen by the BOS and CEO rather than supporting the officer elected by the voters of MC. There was never public support for the elimination of one, let alone two elected financial officers. This is an affront to democracy.
Last year the BOS and CEO removed the ACTTC from office before formal charges were brought against her. After 18 months of litigation, tens of thousands (likely more) spent in outside legal counsel, the case has been dismissed and the ACTTC has returned to work, vindicated for being innocent and afforded whistleblower protections against further retaliations related to the case brought. In light of this debacle, now is the time to acknowledge the mistakes that have been made and make amends.
Please support the effort to restore fiscal independence and accountability to Mendocino County government. This petition urges the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors to reverse direction and return the power to the voters by restoring the offices of Treasurer Tax Collector and Auditor Controller to two separate elected offices.
Restore Our Treasurer Tax Collector and Auditor Controller To Two Elected Offices
The Issue
We, the undersigned, formally request that the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors take the necessary steps to return the positions of Auditor Controller and Treasurer Tax Collector to two separate, independent offices that are elected by Mendocino County voters.
Whereas the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors voted December 14, 2021 to consolidate the offices of Auditor Controller and Treasurer Tax Collector without a risk assessment analysis and against the recommendations of the offices involved.
Whereas the offices of Auditor Controller and Treasurer Tax Collector should be separate and independently elected to maintain the integrity, transparency and accountability of County finances
We hereby request that Mendocino County Board of Supervisors repeal ordinance No. 4500, reinstating Mendocino County Code Section 2.16.041, removing Section 2.16.070 and amending Chapter 2.36 for the purpose of reinstating the elected offices of the Auditor Controller and Treasurer Tax Collector.
This petition is co-sponsored by the Mendocino County Democratic Central Committee and the Mendocino Women's Political Coalition.
Seeing negative comments regarding Sara Pierce is very disheartening. She was put in a difficult position and rose above. The amount of time and energy Sara dedicated to the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer Tax Collector’s office is unfathomable. This position requires extraordinary and selfless dedication and commitment that most wouldn’t see unless working alongside these two women as myself and our staff have. Sara and Chamise are incredibly ethical and that should not come into question. I can speak on behalf of our entire department by saying how grateful we are to have had such an incredible and dedicated leader during this time. Sara really stepped up in a way that most others would not and could not have in this situation. She is such an inspiration and someone we all admire. I cannot think of a better person who could have stepped into this role. She worked tirelessly to ensure she did what was right and best for this department. Any department in this county that has worked with her would likely say the same. She is one of a kind and the County is beyond lucky to have her. I would like to note that we are incredibly happy that Chamise’s name has been cleared and to have her back as our leader. We stand behind both Sara and Chamise. Hopefully this will quash any false assumptions being made in regard to Sara’s integrity.
Megan Hunter, Assistant Auditor-Controller Mendocino County
Regarding Katy T’s Pomo trade routes and the anthropologists who collected the information. I believe that contemporary native peoples are somewhat skeptical about how they view the information that was collected and its interpretation. Ukiah’s own Samuel Barrett was the leading authority on Pomo geography, language, culture both material and spiritual. I once asked a local tribal chairman what he thought of Barrett and he admitted that he didn’t know who he was. I spent several formative years in Hoopa and during my college years I discovered the work of Pliny Earle Goddard, who lived among the Hupa from approximately 1897-1903 and published Life and Culture of the Hupa. Having lived there I remember more than one native named Pliny, the name continues in use even now.
Last October I returned to Hoopa, that remote and beautiful valley surrounded by the Trinity Alps Wilderness to the east and Redwood National Park to the north west. Years ago I obtained a copy of the tribal history, Our Home Forever. They were never conquered or removed from the valley. The tribal history relies heavily on Goddard and with his name passing down through generations I assumed that he was revered among the Hupa. But that assumption does not hold true today. I spent time with old classmates, museum staff, and at the local library which is named for a classmate who was destined for greatness but tragically died in a car accident in Eureka.
The museum curator made it clear to me that Goddard is being reassessed. His native translations are being reinterpreted. One of my old classmates, confirmed over lunch that his great grandmother was one of Goddard’s sources. Another tribal member suggested that some of Goddard’s sources withheld information and purposefully gave wrong answers. As to the continued use of his name, it may have initially been out of respect or deference but then became family tradition. Even with the best of intentions, these Anthropologists carried the weight of Victorian and paternalistic beliefs that had to influence their research. When Goddard entered Hoopa on horseback in 1897 the Hupa people still retained much of their traditional culture, primarily due to its remote location. When Samuel Barrett graduated from Ukiah High in 1899, the Pomo had suffered over fifty years of subjugation and neglect due to their proximity to overwhelming influences. Barrett received the first Masters degree in Anthropology at UC Berkeley, Goddard received the first Masters degree in native languages in the United States. Both did important work, but are open to reinterpretation. For a latter day and more controversial native study in our locale there is the work of Bert and Ethel Aginsky, but that is another story entirely.
Mike Williams
Fort Bragg
Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. paused a multimillion-dollar project to create a new COVID-19 vaccine in pill form and canceled a Food and Drug Administration meeting to discuss strains that would be included in next season’s flu shot. Being in a vulnerable group of people that are most at risk, I can’t understand how any of these decisions are in the best interests of the citizens of this country.
Beyond this, he seems to be discounting the recent outbreak of measles in Texas and New Mexico. This is malpractice in the extreme. What has become of our country when science has become the enemy of our government and a large segment of our populace? It’s a disgrace.
Chris Carpenter
The CEO of PG&E — Patti Pope — said that when customers overall use less energy, it means rates rise, and so they are seeking to squeeze more money out of eco-conscious customers who paid for rooftop solar. That is utter nonsense. This is just a public monopoly trying to protect its profit stream. Rates are high because of PG&E spending increases on poles and wires, which is how they profit. When they spend more, the California Public Utilities Commission lets them increase their profit stream. Actually, when people use less energy, it reduces the need for PG&E to build more poles and wires. That saves everyone money, but it also reduces PG&E’s profits. So PG&E scapegoats people who use less energy to deflect attention from the real cause of high rates and keep their profit-making machine going.
Jeff Collins
Santa Rosa
Many political science experts view fascism as a mass political movement centered around extreme nationalism, militarism and the elevation of national interests above those of the individual.
Fascist regimes often promote the overthrow of institutions that they view as “liberal decay” while simultaneously promoting traditional values. They believe in the supremacy of certain people and use it to justify the persecution of other groups. Racism was a key feature of German fascism, for which the Holocaust was a high priority.
Common factors of fascism have included the “cleansing” of all those deemed not to belong — foreigners, ethnic minorities and “undesirables” — and the belief in its own nation’s superiority. Recent global events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and racial unrest in the U.S., have substantiated the concern about how fascist rhetoric is showing up in politics and policies around the world.
Fascism can be defined as a cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of shame brought on by supposed communists, Marxists, minorities and immigrants who are supposedly posing a threat to the character and the history of a nation. The leader proposes that only he can solve it and all of his political opponents are enemies or traitors.
Dennis Kostecki
This letter was sent to the school board, principal, and superintendent: Being accused of attacking a teacher because I don’t like the way she teaches, is crazy! I did NOT attack a teacher. I questioned her ability of teaching and not be a dictator with our kids! However, it was never mentioned what she did to be questioned. She is rough with the kids and inappropriate! So, here is what happened! They want to shut me up and for me to accept an FAKE ASS apology that she was forced to give to me because she thinks she did nothing wrong! I sat through a parent teacher conference for my child’s wellbeing and was asked multiple times if this issue was resolved. However, IT’S NOT! So, for everyone she spoke to here is the truth! You attack my child and I will speak up for her!
Sent: February 28th, 2025
Good morning, everyone,
Hello, my name is parent. I am the mother of student, who attends Anderson Valley Elementary School. She is currently in grade, and her teacher is (no name because I want to protect MY CHILD) . Student calls her Mrs. . I grew up in this beautiful community and attended preschool through high school in the Anderson Valley School District. Throughout my many years at school in AV, I was guided with love, care, and RESPECT—something for which I am deeply grateful to everyone involved in my life. I have so many amazing memories to share about my principal, Ms. Zimmerman, my preschool teacher, Kathy, Furgenicia, all the teachers who cared for me and guided me, yard duty Charlene Swanson, and our library staff, Claire and Marilyn Pronsolino. I also remember Terrie Rhodes, our wonderful food service high school teacher. The list goes on. Now, almost 36 years later, I can still recall Kathy's smile as I walked in with my pink backpack. This is what I want ALL the children in this school to remember: that they were guided with love, care, and, most importantly, RESPECT.
On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, STUDENTS, who is an (not disclosing publicly for her safety) year-old (-) grader in Mrs. class, came home from school upset. She asked if we could go exercise and stop eating because Mrs. had weighed her, measured her, and the other students in front of each other. Mrs. then wrote all the students’ weights and measurements on a chart in her classroom, making it visible to everyone who entered. When the kids went to recess, (My child) was made fun of and humiliated by her classmates because she is heavier and taller than everyone else in her classroom. The type of HUMILIATION my child endured under the supervision of a teacher who is supposed to guide and provide a safe, respectful environment for ALL the children in her care—not just MY child —is disgustingly disrespectful, hateful, and discriminatory. This kind of treatment can damage a child's health and mental state, leaving long-lasting effects on how MY CHILD—and indeed all the children present—will live their lives.
On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 11:00 a.m., I drove to the elementary school and met with Ms./Mrs. Superintendent and Mr. Principal. I made them aware of the incident and requested a follow-up email regarding the matter, along with a picture of the chart with all the kids' names blacked out except for My Child’s weight and measurements for my records. To this day, February 28, 2025, at 10:25 a.m., I have not heard back from anyone regarding this issue! I have given ample time for the appropriate parties to look into this matter, but it seems that it is not a priority for anyone.
Mrs. behavior towards the children we are supposed to be protecting is alarming! I am alarmed that it is acceptable to treat anyone the way these kids were treated. I have previously spoken to Mrs. about another matter involving bullying among the kids, and at this point, it seems that the bullying is now coming not only from the students but also from Mrs. herself! Yes, I am informing you all that Mrs. is bullying the kids and creating an atmosphere of bullying, harassment, and hostility for my child and the rest of the kids in her classroom! Her behavior is not only inappropriate but also appears intentional, demonstrating poor judgment. If Mrs. cannot exercise good judgment and exhibit appropriate behavior, she should NOT be teaching ANY child. This issue is no longer just about her job; it is about the lifelong effects on my child!
Fourteen percent of students have thoughts of suicide, and seven percent actually attempt it! I mention this statistic to emphasize that body-shaming and bullying are completely unacceptable, especially coming from a teacher toward under 10 year-old students.
I will always advocate for my child, and I will continue to speak up for her. I know I am not the only parent who is upset about this!
Please do something and do better! Speak up for our future generations!
With great disbelief that this even happened,
Anonymous Parent
Anderson Valley
DA Dave Eyster's Facebook post today from Lake County -- Still no public comment about Chamise Cubbison's case being dismissed. No apology. No regrets. Just amnesia. Amnesia and karaoke.
Eyster/Facebook: “It seemed like we took a few steps back in time tonight at the Riviera Hills restaurant and lounge in Kelseyville. Perhaps needing some updating help, the view nevertheless of Clear Lake from out back is fabulous, the waitress and her assistants were attentive, and the food was good. The real action was in the packed lounge where karaoke singing seemed to be the big draw of the night. From what we could hear from the smallish dining room, a few of the singers were really good and more than a few not so much.”
John Sakowicz
President Donald Trump is musing out loud that Canada should welcome being the 51st state. To make it more palatable to Canadians, he suggests that we will have lower taxes and better and more affordable health care. He is right but he is also wrong.
Canada has universal health care. Every citizen is automatically registered. There is no opting out.
In 2024, I had doctor visits for a blood test and a CT scan. This year I’ve seen a doctor for a bone density test and a chest X-ray.
My grandson recently had open heart surgery in Montreal and afterward had a pacemaker installed. During his three-week hospital stay, he was attended by a team of specialists around the clock.
The out-of-pocket cost for all of this: zero
How is that possible?
A portion of every Canadian’s taxes collectively pays the cost.
Am I happy that our taxes covered the entire cost my grandson’s care, including follow-up hospital visits? You bet I am!
So, yes, Canadians probably pay higher taxes than Americans but we are getting quality health care for it.
Mr. President, when you speak about our high taxes, why don't you mention some of the services they pay for?
Jerry Boroff
Dalkeith, Ontario, Canada
Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s budget cuts already hurt my community. They cut funding for Fort Bragg’s Senior Center. The suspension of these funds will cause irreparable damage to the most vulnerable older members of our community. Many are veterans and depend on dining room services and home-delivered meals. The Redwood Coast Senior Center serves about 55,000 meals yearly. The cost is $500,000. Half its budget comes from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Administration on Aging and then the Area Agencies on Aging. These illegal and cruel actions must be stopped now.
Ed Oberweiser
Fort Bragg
President Donald Trump has reached a new low, disgracing himself and embarrassing this country before a worldwide audience. The Oval Office meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine turned into a spectacle of tag-team bullying with Trump and his vice president, JD Vance, doing all they could to humiliate and intimidate their guest.
Even before the meeting, Trump could not resist publicly denigrating Zelenskyy because he was not wearing a suit and tie. Everyone knows, except it seems Trump, that the president of Ukraine, a man most of the world considers a hero, wears what he does as a reminder to all that his nation has been invaded and continues to be brutalized by Vladimir Putin’s Russia and its ally North Korea.
The bully brothers, Trump and Vance, have left Putin gloating, Americans embarrassed and the rest of the world nauseated.
Vic Suard
Santa Rosa
Congratulations, everyone! At last, we have a handsome, bold and brilliant leader who knows how to do everything as well as is humanly possible, and possibly divinely inspired. He is picking the absolute best people to run all our government departments with the power and freedom of not being encumbered by knowledge and experience. What a genius!
Our leader understands that our Constitution is oh so antiquated; I mean it was written at a time when kings ruled with their inherent and obvious entitlement. Now the righteous rich can control the little people, as ordained by our God in alignment with the order of the universe.
We are shaking free from all those ridiculous domestic and foreign obligations where we assisted intrinsically pathetic others.
Our co-presidents are strong and wise enough to win in this dog-eat-dog world, where having concern for other people is for fools and losers. Rules are a joke and successfully prevent the masses from taking what they can get. Oh, and it is such a relief to let go of all that freedom talk, isn’t it?
If you believe my rubbish, I have a bridge to sell you.
Michael Nehm
Alison de Grassi,
What a ridiculous comment. First off, the officer asked for certain person. Your statement didn’t say he checked the others. Maybe Mario is wanted for murder? Obviously Mario has broken some kind of law.
And why do you tell people not cooperate? I want law enforcement to arrest anyone that makes our society less safe. Do you care about Laken Riley? Or is she just collateral damage for Biden’s policies.
And why do I need to be careful out there? I was born here and I don’t commit crime. I go to work everyday and enjoy my life, doesn’t sound very dangerous.
“Riviera Hills restaurant and lounge in Kelseyville”
so sad to see Kelseyville drug in to this shit match
DA Dave’s new “BROILER TRAINING SESSION” Chamise watch for the receipts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vic Suard,
Santa Rosa
Michael Nehm,
Michael and Vic (not sure that is VIC for VICTOR or VIC for VICKY) so sorry to hear that you are embarrassed to be Americans and we already have a bridge (VIC) Lake Havasu city AZ I was there in 1974 pretty boring spot, you should suck it up and enjoy life, you only have 3 years and nine month to go before JD Vance is your next President get on board you only live once:)