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‘Slow March’ To Division

There was a time in the good ol’ USA when manufacturing was booming, factories were humming and workers were making things on assembly lines.

“Things” weren’t all that workers were making, because money was also being made, and lots of it. Leaving aside details, there came disputes on how that money ought to be divided. Details aside, unions appeared.

If 100 years have taught us anything, it’s that the scent of money and power will draw nests of communists, socialists and other vermin to converge, noisily. By the 1930s communists were doing all they could to drive a wedge into the already divided land of labor and management.

Leftists have always been good at slogans and such, and they had a dandy to appeal to blue collar labor:

“Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.”

Compelling, eh? After all, why should you do the work and the bosses get the money? Why should ceaseless toil be rewarded by the worker getting another day older and deeper in debt?

It was a persuasive bit of misleading rhetoric, leaving out details of its own, including the reality of communism itself. No matter. The “lose your chains” nonsense failed to persuade American factory workers who, after an 8-hour shift, drove Oldsmobiles home to three bedroom houses, swimming pools, big yards for BBQ, badminton and kids who attended good schools.

Chains? What chains? Workers ignored the slogans and took annual vacations to lakes, mountains and Disneyland. But leftists never sleep, and they remained in pursuit of subverting America, albeit with a different strategy.

Long-range plan: A Slow March Through the Institutions. The gist was to gradually infiltrate and take over the culture. It required patience and planning. Class struggle between the Haves and Have Nots had failed to divide us; Identity politics seemed ripe for division.

Thus began multiculturalism’s slicing and dicing of society via the hammering at racial, gender and religious differences, always with the message that America is guilty, intolerant and at fault. Their Long March was underway.

Soon came quiet takeovers of college faculties and administrators, and the infiltration of newsrooms with liberal reporters and editors. TV and film became outlets for progressive viewpoints; conservative voices disappeared.

Leftists worked quietly, tirelessly to eliminate religion in schools, the public square and politics. A Hollywood movie depicting any Christian (minister, priest, Pope) in the first 15 minutes as honest, principled and decent always does a 180 -degree reversal. Every clergyman is quickly revealed as a greedy satanic hypocrite consumed by lust, duplicity and hatred.

The social undermining has been glacier-patient and stunningly effective. By the late ‘60s it was hip to hate one’s own country; pop music (Dylan, Beatles, Stones, Barry McGuire) became a Top 40 assembly line of leftwing slogans. Colleges swarmed with protesters and were rewarded with Open Classrooms and Give Your Own Grades.

Today: Higher Learning? Higher than what?

Schools first quit teaching American history, then quit teaching at all. Our greatest writers and thinkers were scorned and despised as Dead White Males. Statues were toppled and monuments defaced in the finest tradition of third world leftist takeovers. American heroes and history were sneered at for failing to harmonize with the shifting standards of those with no sense of history.

The Slow March next arrived at a familiar place: Divide and Conquer.

There is nowhere in mass media where white men are not trashed and their existence, even in mainstream advertising, labeled “toxic.” On TV white men are either submissive or invisible and made to look weak, silly and incompetent at every opportunity.

All couples on TV are biracial, every hierarchy has a woman on top. White guys are society’s enemy. White men reek of privilege, their maleness de facto toxic, loathsome, wealthy patriarchs. They are the enemy of everyone in America; women and minorities of every imaginable kind have suffered and been tortured relentlessly more than 200 years (NOTE: It often takes great imagination locating the aggrieved and the suffering in our country.)

Scorecard: The crush is on, pitting everyone on one side, and straight white dudes on the other. White men are deemed parasites; hated, scorned and all their alleged historical accomplishments achieved by enslaving others. Like most lefty logic it’s a big fat lie. Many (most) of the greatest accomplishments in the world resulted from the hard work and inspiration of white men.

White guys invented Airplanes, Antibiotics, Alarm clocks, Aston-Martin Automobiles, along with Zoology, Zippers, Zoloft and lots of stuff in between: Baseball, Celsius, Dirigibles, Light bulbs, Teflon, Telephones, Xerox, Zippers Zoology and Zeus. I could go on and so could you.

What’s to hate?

But the lefty Utopia requires still more: Jail the leader of the political opposition, convince Americans to surrender their right to Free Speech, and get on with the “fundamental transformation of America.”


  1. David Svehla July 7, 2024

    TWK, telling it like it is!

  2. Pat Kittle July 8, 2024


    Not much surprises me, but (even without you broaching the JQ) I am surprised the good editor saw fit to let you say this.

    It’s despicable, deplorable, disgusting, degrading, defamatory, & deranged.

    So what if it’s true!

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