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Posts published by “Terry Sites”

Why 100 People Love Anderson Valley

Always looking for things to write about, it came to me that it would be a good idea to ask others what they loved about…

25 Years of Change in Anderson Valley

The people, the businesses and the activities in the Anderson Valley have changed substantially over the past 25 years. In 1998 more people who were…

Forgot to Plant Your Summer Garden?

They say to wait until after Mother’s Day to plant your summer garden because there can always be a late frost. I waited and then…

Adventures in Greater TinselTown

The generosity of three people Tina Walter, her sister Lisa and Peter Gordon led us to an eye opening mini vacation at a Vintage beach…

Fabulous & Free Summer Music 2023

Once again the free summer music concerts are coming to the area and this year includes an incredible variety with little repetition. Below you will…

Variety Show 2023

After a three year hiatus (no show) the AV Variety Show roared back to life last weekend at the Anderson Valley Grange Hall. I attended…

Notes On The AV Wildflower Show 2023

Last year I wrote a report on the 2022 Wildflower Show with this opening paragraph: “If there is one thing that stands out when looking…

Boonville Beer Festival 2023

The Anderson Valley Lion’s Club members attended the 25th Annual Beer Fest as they always do in order to prepare 450 Tri-Tip sandwiches with veggies…

AV Variety Show: Bring it On!

The Anderson Valley Variety Show is always full of surprises. The most surprising act I remember involved a man named Rudy Knoop cooking soy beans…
