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Posts published by “Terry Sites”

Springtime in Anderson Valley

According to the Visit Mendocino, “The drive through Mendocino County is on many winding roads that will take a while to complete. It is never…

Gardens & Gardeners

Every garden has at least one thing in common with every other garden – in the beginning they are all just a dream. Sometimes it’s…

Day Tripping in Berkeley

If you’ve got the urge to helicopter out of your rural life for a day, head to Berkeley for a good dose of urban interest.…

Yorkville Snowmageddon 2023

On Thursday February 23rd around 5:00 I was driving home from a job off Peachland Road in Boonville. It was very cold and raining but…

What Does The AV Unity Club Do?

Abbreviated Overview of Historical and Current Projects 1920’s - Promoted the extension of the highway from Navarro to the mouth of the river. 1930’s -…

AV Unity Club: 100 Years of Service

This is the first in a series of articles about our local Unity Club in celebration of 100 continuous years of community service. The AV…

Surviving the Doldrums

Doldrums: A state or period of inactivity, stagnation or depression. “The ‘doldrums’ is a popular nautical term that refers to the belt around the earth…

The Hand Basket Will Have To Wait

2022 was filled with a lot of head shaking and eye rolling. Many people shared views of gloom and doom based on the current state…

AV Lions Roar

The Broiler Steak House in Redwood Valley saw 27 AV Lions and their  guests sit down to celebrate their annual Xmas party last Sunday night. …
