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Posts published in April 2011

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 1

At sixty a man has passed most of the reefs and whirl-pools. Excepting only death, he has no enemies left to meet... That man has awakened to a new youth... Ergo, he is young. —…

Letters To The Editor

CALL JERRY Dear Editor and AVA readers: I arrived at Tehachapi state prison with high hopes of something better to come. Sitting in the San Quentin reception center left me feeling numb. I escaped this…

The Great American Witch Hunt

Just as Guantanamo Bay detention centers and military tribunals have remained in place, the perjury witch hunt trial of Major League Baseball’s home run king, Barry Lamar Bonds, continued unabated and has now reached a predictably ugly conclusion.

George Harrison & The Taxman

For me it is life and taxes that are inseparable: I was born on April 15. Only when I turned forty, six years ago did my friend David Borden, founder of the pioneering synthesizer trio…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Nadia Berrigan

I met with Nadia at her home on Signal Ridge a couple of weeks ago. She made us some coffee and we sat to talk... Her father, Jack Upper, worked for the State Department at…

Drawing The Line Once Again

After Paul Goodman’s death in 1972 anarchist historian George Woodcock characterized him as perhaps “the only truly seminal libertarian thinker in our generation.” If we ask what made Goodman different from other twentieth-century anarchists in…

What’s Going On?

One of my guilty pleasures is watching sports highlights on my computer, many of which are prefaced by thirty-second ads for shoes, cars, beer, and the Army.
