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Posts published in April 2011

The Swimmer

A minute ago I was anxiously taking pregnancy tests, hoping. Now my son is nearly five. People told me that would happen. Of course I…

What BoxCo Does Best

Doug Bosco was at the leading edge of a new generation of North Coast Democrats with pro-corporate, fiscal conservative economic policies--an extractive corporation's best friend.

Toe Shoes and Lorca

She had been a ballerina. She played the violin.  She was a painter.  A sculptor.  More things to more people than I can possibly mention…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Wes Smoot

Having had lunch with Wes and his companion, Marianne, at the AV Senior Center a couple of Tuesday’s ago, we adjourned and went over to…

Off the Record

AL WHITE of Husch Vineyards, Philo, was mentioned this way in the Press Democrat of Thursday, April the 7th: “Alfred White, a Ukiah grower who…

Has Trucking Saved Our Salmon?

With an ocean salmon fishing season set to open on April 2nd and fishery managers estimating that coastal waters currently boast more salmon than they…

Young Pot Moms

“Youth is wasted on the young.” — George Bernard Shaw When I and my middle-aged and elderly Mendocino Elk Albion Fort Bragg peers convene, talk…

Wind In The Plastic

Unremarked at last week’s Board of Supervisors meeting were several bracing personal snipes of the purely gratuitous type at a prominent Arcata-based PhD fisheries biologist…
