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Posts published in April 2011

Can ‘PotDoc’ Be A Valid Specialty?

Every TV station from San Diego to Crescent City has run a segment in which a reporter with a hidden mike visits a local MD who is known to approve cannabis use readily. The reporter…

Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object

Two valid criticisms regarding last week’s report on the Cruz bust: One from the Cruz camp, the other from the Sheriff. The Cruzes said they didn’t have 51 pounds of meth, and the Sheriff remarked…

Letters To The Editor

NO HYDRAULIC FRACTURING Editor, Several weeks ago, most likely due to the Academy award nomination of the documentary, Gasland, the New York Times had not one, but two, front page articles within a week on…

Rock’n’Roll Dalai Lama, Lukas Nelson

Lukas Nelson, who declined to play with Bob Dylan's band, demonstrates an inner composure and healthy self-assuredness that many Seekers of Truth would be wise to emulate.

Things Fall Apart

Negotiations between the County and its largest union, Service Employees International Local 1021, are stalled. The County wants the union to take an across the board 15% pay cut. Period. The Union rightly argues that…

Pinches To Library: ‘If I Die You’ll Be Screwed’

After more than an hour reviewing a series of distasteful options involving major cuts to the county's library system, the Board of Supervisors finally voted at its March 22 meeting to put a 1/8th cent…
