October 3, 2023 Oh Dear Diary: Whatever shall I do? If he doesn’t stop humming “Row Row Row Your Boat” I’m going to double the Thorazine starting in 10 minutes. (I can do that because…
Posts published by “Tommy Wayne Kramer”
All of you who’ve been complaining about the heat and the hot weather and the sweat and the high temperatures and how hard it is to fall asleep when temperatures are not even in the…
Like most of us you probably spend a fair amount of time each month compiling lists of your spouse’s mental and physical deteriorations. Is everyone familiar with the term “conservatorship”? Some guy at the Forest…
Is there anything more to say or think or worry about with regard to the ongoing deterioration of downtown Ukiah? I’ve flogged the tired old horse to death and back to life with paragraphs and…
People ask how a once open-minded, tolerant, caring liberal Democrat such as I could possibly become a rigid, ignorant hate-filled conservative. Tell Us O Tell Us how it came to pass that the same man…
It seems all my friends are sick and dying, but of course that’s not true. A lot of them are already dead. Many of those not gone are sad, frail and ailing. They shuffle, figuratively,…
Once upon a time a Ukiah guy started his car, headed to work and noticed an open bottle of Mickey’s Malt Liquor in his cupholder. It was from last night, driving back from the pizza…