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Judy Basehore Celebrates Her 90th

Judy Basehore was determined to usher in her 90th year with a bang — a really great dance party. And she succeeded.

On Saturday night May 25th the Anderson Valley Grange was filled to the gills with music, dancing, wine, revelers and song. Grazing their way through tables full of finger food and a forest of BYOB wine bottles, guests were able to forget their cares for a few hours and just dance the night away. Dean Titus and the Boot Jack Five provided live music and they never took a break! There were slow dancers and fast dancers and line dancers and hippie dancers all doing their thing. Those few who actually knew how to do fancy partner dancing were a delight to watch.

Senior Center line dance teacher Margaret Pickens had her own posse doing the cowgirl slide or the electric slide or the senior slide. Looking good! Judy was whisked off her feet by any number of ardent partners including the always-gentlemanly Reagan, ebullient Mary Daniels, and the joyful Ellen Fontaine.

I think Judy really enjoyed her own party (a lot) but it is hard to tell since she is the kind of person who always has a smile on her face. If only there were more like her there would be more 90-year birthdays to attend. (Excellent attitude award goes to Judy.)

With her slide show, mementos and artwork we all got to see evidence of a rich life well lived. As a first grade teacher, horsewoman, theater teacher, community volunteer and much more, she has done it all and done it all well.

Local readers are probably familiar with the Boot Jack Five band including: Dean Titus on guitar and vocals, Susan Clark vocalist, Craig Titus guitar, Rod Dewitt on drums, Chris Rossi on the bass, and Sue Marcott on the keyboards. Also spotted were some community members not often seen out and about.

Happy to see Charlie Hochberg, Chris Bing and Jan Wax, Lindsay Clow, Cindy Wilder, Anthony Leighton, and Barbara Bowers.

The usual suspects were also there including (among a cast of many, many more), Denver Tuttle, Jonesy and Mark, Seasha and Donde Robb and kids, Laura Baynham, Pilar Echeverria, Gregory Sims, Denise Mattei, Danny Mandelbaum, Benna Kolinsky, Janet Anderson, Lauren Keating, Gwyn Smith, Christine Clark, Eileen Pronsolino, Jeannie and JR Collins, Mary Daniels and Ross, Peggy Ridley, Reagan, Margaret Pickens, Lady Rainbow, Captain Rainbow, Sheila Leighton, Judy Nelson, Dr. Mark Apfel, Sonny, The Goodells, Cameron and his little girl, Mary Ann Grezenda and Ellen Fontaine.

The overall vibe was warm and fuzzy, lively and old-timey, just like our hostess Judy! This kind of gathering reminds us why we live in Anderson Valley. For many people today dropping into this gathering would be like time travel back to a bygone era, one of community and mutual acquaintance.

The hall looked great with western art from Judy and Rod Basehore’s personal collection everywhere. Especially fine were the woven saddle blankets lining the front of the stage and the bucking bronco posters along the walls.

A continuous slide show illuminated the life of Judy and Rod. It seems that Judy has had a twinkle in her eye and an adventurous spirit from her earliest days. Plus she has always been quite the vibrant beauty.

Judy has been publicizing this event for months and we were all crossing our fingers that she would get a good turnout. Obviously there was no need to worry as Highway 128 was lined from stem to stern with enthusiastic attendees.

I left before the band played “Happy Birthday” but no doubt they did and there were enough donated cupcakes for every single partygoer to have one. So, “Happy Birthday dear Judy, Happy Birthday to you- and many more…” Thanks for the memories and for inviting us all to celebrate your 90th with you in such grand style.

One Comment

  1. Kathy June 2, 2024

    I am so sorry I had to miss this grand party!
    Here’s to you Judy and too many more years of fun.

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