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Posts published by “Mike Geniella”

High-Stakes Cubbison Criminal Case Delayed Again

For the second time, criminal proceedings have been delayed in a case with significant political implications for District Attorney David Eyster, who filed a felony…

Redwood Valley Gas Station Downsizes

A developer’s new traffic impact study for a hotly debated gasoline station/convenience store project along Highway 101 in Redwood Valley claims the peak traffic will…

The Palace’s Endless Complications

In a surprise move, Ukiah city officials are demanding that the Palace Hotel's current owner, Jitu Ishwar, submit a signed contract with a qualified structural…

Last Week In Ukiah

Intricate and costly legal maneuvers delay proceedings in the high-stakes criminal case Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster filed last Fall against a fellow elected…

The Life Of Judge Dave Nelson

Mendocino County Superior Court Judge David Nelson, a man of legal excellence, integrity, and commitment to family, friends, and community, was humble and rarely spoke…

Eyster Hires Outside Prosecutor In Cubbison Case

In a surprise move, Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster has hired an outside prosecutor to oversee a felony case targeting suspended County Auditor-Treasurer Chamise…
