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And Suddenly It Was Over: Cubbison Case Dismissed

On Tuesday, Mendocino County, Superior Court, judge Ann Moorman dismissed the case against auditor Chamise Cubbison. She ripped the investigation, county officials, and said there was no evidence of any criminal intent. Dig deep, taxpayers. (Mike Geniella)


  1. Houndman February 25, 2025

    Was there collusion between DA Dave, County CEO Darci Antle and her merry band of toadying minions, and the feckless Board of Supervisors (who were ineptly advised by County Counsel)? Using the theory of Occam’s Razor coupled with Her Honor Judge Ann Moorman’s dismissal of the case, I would lean towards: Yes there was collusion. If so, every single participant (except Chamise Cubbison) in this shameful episode should suffer meaningful consequences for their actions and for wasting the taxpayers money.

  2. Julie Beardsley February 25, 2025

    Thank you, Judge Moorman!

    • Louise Yale February 26, 2025


  3. Carrie Shattuck February 25, 2025

    What a waste of time and money. Shows where the priorities lie in this County.

  4. Call It As I See It February 25, 2025

    No worries, Mulheren has been quoted in the press as saying, “This is why the County has insurance.”

    Yes Mo for now. When they pay off Ms. Cubbison, watch how fast they drop the County. And if they don’t, they’ll raise the rates to astronomical amount.
    Based on the BOS decisions along with DA Dave and CEO.

  5. Tim Perry February 25, 2025

    Many comments here inexplicably have called for the recall of Judge Moorman, apparently because they can’t tell the difference between a prosecutor and a judge. Let this be a lesson to all. Judges are the last bulwark against tyranny.

    • Call It As I See It February 26, 2025

      I see only praise of the judge.
      She did her righteous duty, uphold the law.

      • Tim Perry February 26, 2025

        I’m glad you feel that way and am not suggesting the abuse of Judge Moorman was universal. , But throughout the case, there have been many calls for her recall here and in other local news outlets. . My comment is addressed to hose folks.

  6. Call It As I See It February 26, 2025

    Also Chris Andrian continues his winning streak against Eyster. He seems to have DA Dave’s number.
    Now Da Dave will say he didn’t prosecute the case, but he did bring these cowardly charges. He never thought Chamise would dig her heels in and fight. His arrogance led him to believe that he would charge her, then offer her a plea to resign and avoid trial. She knew she was innocent and refused to be bulldozed. Congrats to her, she will be rewarded.

    • mark g donegan February 26, 2025

      Sometimes good people prevail.

  7. ROB February 26, 2025

    Eyester got the shaft.
    What a low life thar guy is.

    • gary smith February 26, 2025

      He is GOING to get the shaft, but he ain’t seen nothing yet.

      • Rob February 27, 2025

        I sure hope so.

  8. Dennis Miller February 26, 2025

    Mendocino County should immediately enter into negotiations to settle the case and make Cubbison and Kennedy whole by giving them their jobs back with pay and lost benefits, attorney fees and stop the bleeding of money coming from the taxpayers Because the money will come by taking funds from other various departments that can ill afford the loss of money
    Charges for criminal negligence should be brought against the Mendocino County District Attorney who knew that how he was handling the pay issue was wrong and should have followed county procedures and protocols If he was interested in the law. But no the county DA Got hyper emotional and went on a personal vendetta broke the law by illegally removing a elected Mendocino county officer with no hearing prior to being charged A clear violation by the Mendocino County District Attorney who knows this by virtue of he himself being an attorney and an 8th grade civics class lesson that he forgot on both counts or just doesn’t care
    The Mendocino County supervisors should insist that criminal charges be brought against the district attorney for malicious prosecution, fraud, telling untruths to the Board of Supervisors that will and is going to cost the board of supervisors not only a great deal of money to settle these two cases but their credibility, prowess and loss of trust in their judgment with exception of our two newest board members who were not part of this vigilante justice that was foisted upon the good people of Mendocino County by the vigilante with a badge

  9. Barbara DeOca February 26, 2025

    Everything you outlined and said is so true
    The elected County District Attorney should be charged with breaking the law and stand trial for his actions
    No one should be above the law and the District Attorney should be prosecuted and made an example
    For the public to see

  10. gary smith February 26, 2025

    Ms. Cubbison is looking at a future of financial security and the freedom to do what she would really like to do for the rest of her life. I will be very surprised if she returns to her old job. Disappointed too. Congratulations Chamise!

    • W February 27, 2025

      Well she did already return to her old job. Guess you are disappointed.

  11. H.R.H. February 26, 2025

    Although charging DA Dave with malicious prosecution sounds right, as a DA he is protected by the doctrine of prosecutorial immunity.

    The only remedy available to the public is a recall. DA Dave should read the writing on the wall and take early retirement. He could spare the public further expense and drama. In retirement he’d be able to devote his undivided efforts to his true area of expertise, his lawn.

    Sheriff Kendall needs to investigate his investigator.

    The three remaining supervisors that went along with this fiasco need to resign. Pronto.

    I’d sign a recall petition for Williams in a heartbeat.

  12. izzy February 26, 2025

    As an example of government waste and abuse of power, this one even Trumps Elon.

  13. Ted Stephens February 26, 2025

    We were told by the sups they did the right thing… be patient, it would be very clear when all the evidence came out.
    Well the facts came out and here is what I know.
    The DA has to go.
    The remaining sups who supported this (Williams and Mo) must go.
    Hopefully the other sups will handle the executive staff correctly.
    The two former financial offices, Auditor/Controller and Treasurer/Tax Collector, must be put back as separate independent offices.
    If we don’t demand this accountability we will have enabled these kinds of shenanigans to repeat themselves.
    It rests on us to demand fair, transparent and accountable leadership.

  14. D Yokum February 26, 2025

    ‼️ ALERT ‼️ would be wrong for Mendocino County to continue to employ any of this “Eyster Shyster” Mob! This was a conspiracy that
    Involved some top County employees ! (sheriff department investigator, CEO, L Weer, BOS, Mendocino County Council who offered, and DA) How can we trust any of these people who lost all integrity and credibility to continue working in this Count? They sold out to a skanky criminal who robbed the County before by stealing “confiscated ” money from drug busts and got away wit it! He thinks he is “KING DAVID”.

  15. Peter Lit February 26, 2025

    Somehow it seems that County Counsel is getting a free pass in this whole travesty of justice. Why did they not rein in the DA? Dennis Miller’s comment of 26 Feb is clear. They, collectively are paid hundreds of thousands (millions ?) of dollars a year, yet anything controversial they “farm” out. Why are we paying them when they don’t do their jobs?

  16. Paul Modic February 27, 2025

    I highly doubt that there will be any resignations or recall elections.
    Who would organize it, finance it?
    Generally, most people are probably tuned out to this issue, in my opinion
    Congrats Ms Cubbison!

  17. Rob February 27, 2025

    Clearly it’s high time the DA + his cohorts are charged & jailed for racketeering.

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