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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Comments On Crime & No Punishment

Last week, I said the state of California needs to abandon the Pandemic-era failed experiment with emptying its jails via “catch-and-release” policies that allow crooks…

Crime & No Punishment

Recently a 44-year-old Laytonville man with a history of multiple police “contacts” was busted down in Brooktrails on several charges. Here’s the story: He’s someone…

Comments On The Uptick Of Weed Production

In last week’s column I wrote a short item about weed and water, and also gave a longer report on my Saturday KPFN program, “This…

Budget Put To Bed; Weed’s Back In The Ground

At their annual budget hearing on June 6, the Board of Supes unanimously ok’d the 2023-24 budget mostly by utilizing over $7 million in one-time…

Deluge, Budget Deficit & Wishful Thinking

On Sunday the Heavens parted. Last Sunday’s (May 28th) super-torrential drenching reminded me of a sudden Illinois late Spring deluge that ends almost as soon…

The “Woke” Crowd Needs To Go Back To Sleep

This past Tuesday, May 23, the Board of Supervisors unanimously ok’d a “streamlined” Weed Ordinance intended to break the logjam of local permit applicants who’ve…

ERRP: A Positive Force In Our Community

At back-to-back meetings last week (April 26 and April 27), the Laytonville Area Municipal Advisory Council (LAMAC) and the Laytonville County Water District (LCWD) Board,…
