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Posts published by “Jim Shields”

Supes Brown Act Problem Appears Resolved

For the past two weeks, we’ve been discussing a series of events where Board Chair Maureen Mulheren attempted to justify violations of the Brown Act, California’s Open Meeting Law. I’ll provide the punch-line now: I…

Conducting The Public’s Business In Public

Someone who evidently doesn’t appreciate and understand how important it is to conduct the public’s business in front of the public, is Supervisor Maureen Mulheren, who serves as the Board’s Chair this year. Twice during…

Everybody’s Broke

(Jayma here on behalf of my dad. He had a positive visit with a pulmonologist this week- great news! Dad's column this week, ‘Everybody's Broke,’ particularly hits home in my line of work. I can…

Mendo’s Damaging Fee Increases

As you are all aware, the Board of Supervisors back in early December held a full-scale hearing on proposed fee increases wished-for by 16 different departments. Historically, the County typically holds these fee adjustment hearings…

PG&E To County: After Us, You’re First

By a far and wide margin, the single most significant item discussed at Tuesday’s (Feb. 6th) BOS meeting occurred in the waning moments immediately prior to adjournment when the Supes were giving their usually routine…

Who’s In Charge?

It’s now apparent that the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors have their necks fully bowed and have hung closed signs on their minds over the relocation of the Veteran Services Office (VSO).  At Tuesday’s (Jan.…
