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Posts published by “Jessica Ehlers”

40ish-year-old mom to a 13-year-old and rescued basset hounds. I am not married but the guy I live with and I are super serious. Except when we're making fart jokes and then the 13-year-old rolls her eyes and shakes her head. I am from NorCal. I live in the house I grew up in. I bake when I am nervous and I like to grow things in my front yard to nibble on and season dinner with.

Paul Bunyan Pillow-fight and Parade 2012

The littlest pillow-fighters. The kid in the red shirt was no joke. Slow and steady won this race. Our boy readying for battle. Facing off with a female. An action shot. My kid is the…

The Ecuadorian Embassy Keeps Me Up At Night

It's been a long few days lots of us watching the live feeds from outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London waiting, waiting, waiting for the next move in the very calculated game of chess being…

Uncool Mom

Songs of heartbreak are flowing from down the hall. Why is it the heartbreak of youth seems so much more devastating than the heartbreaks we have subsequently? You remember being a heartbroken teenager. Don't pretend…

Now We Are Six

Now We Are Six When I was one, I had just begun. When I was two, I was nearly new. When I was three, I was hardly me. When I was four, I was not…

That What You Fear The Most?

Last week I completed a class I never intended on taking. In fact, I have been running from that whole sector of the academic world for half my life. I even transferred to obscure colleges…

Post-Cult Anti-Automaton

It sounds hokey, but it happened to me. Something I believed in with the depth of more core turned out to be something of a charade. Eventually it broke into very defined and separated pieces.…

Important Guidelines for Co-Parenting:

As a part of the "Parenting Apart" workshop I had to attend when I was getting divorced, I was given a packet of all sorts of materials. Of everything I received or read during that…

More Mushy Mom Stuff

It was bound to happen. He's been asking for some time but when Craigslist knocked, I answered. That's right, today we installed the bunk beds in his bedroom. This might sound like small potatoes and…

Here’s Why You’re Voting Yes on Measure A:

The following is information I gleaned from a mailer I received today. I was on the fence about this project but I am not any more. Regardless of what you heard about its financial troubles…
