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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”


Charles Piller, an Oakland-based investigative reporter for Science magazine, is soft-spoken in person and in print. In his new book, “Doctored: Fraud, Arrogance, and Tragedy in the Quest to Cure Alzheimer’s,” dynamite accusations are professionally…

N.R. DeMexico

The obviously pseudonomynous author of "Marijuana Girl," N.R. DeMexico, "was identified by folklorist and erotica historian Gershon Legman as Robert Campbell Bragg, a Greenwich Village bohemian and novelist, and one of the people who, along…

Bowled Over

Checking to see what time the Rose Bowl would be on today (Oregon vs Ohio State), I was amazed by the proliferation of bowl games.  I obviously haven’t been paying attention. Since December 14, 2024,…


Why does the presence of mistletoe –a parasitic plant that roots in oaks and other host trees– confer the right to kiss whoever you're with? The answer occurred to John Lee, MD, a family practitioner…

Pot Pulp

The paperback cover of Marijuana Girl that ran in yesterday's AVA was provided by Michael R. Aldrich, PhD – one of two that accompanied a review of the book in O'Shaughnessy's. Dr. Aldrich wrote: ‘Marijuana…

Capturing Attention

Once upon a time the district attorney, or sheriff, or police chief would announce –unaided– that a crime had been committed, or a charge was being leveled, or the jury had decided x, y, or…

Christmas Truce

This is from Randy Rowland, a member of Veterans for Peace in Seattle (and a leader of the Presidio “Mutiny” in 1968). We drove to Sarasota, Florida to check out a theater presentation called “All…
