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Posts published by “Fred Gardner”

The Pray-in at Fort Jackson

Steve Kline was a Sp4 stationed at Fort Jackson when Donna Mickleson and I met him in December 1967. We were transforming a failed Tiki…

May Day

In 1969, journalists Andrew Kopkind and James Ridgeway started a Washington-based biweekly newsletter called Mayday. They were soon enjoined by lawyers representing a publication of…


We’re moving from the East Bay to the Wine Country, one carload at a time. I promised Rosie I would bring all her possessions and not…

You Must Not Remember This

Over the years we’ve noted a trend in the American language whereby two words are made to substitute for one. I’m sure we’ve missed some…

Mission Bay On My Mind

My medical problem wasn't as grave as Bruce Anderson's (described in the AVA February 28), but I, too, have been impressed by and grateful for…

The (Almost) Book on Prozac

I’m saying goodbye to books we won’t have room for in the beautiful wine country. (Brer Rabbit was jiving when he said, “Please don’t throw…

Barbara Lee & ‘Jewish Hate’

The greatest threat to mankind is the cowardice of the Democratic Party. – Corbin Trent The Dissing of Barbara Lee When Kamala Harris was elected…

The Dangers of Ozempic/Wegovy

It seems like only yesterday that Gina Kolata of the New York Times was cheerleading without restraint for Ozempic/Wegovy. (It’s the same drug, based on…

The Squad

Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibbi, Naomi Klein, David Yearsley, Ryan Grim… I think of these very good young journalists as young, but they're all in early…
