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Posts published in December 2023

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 31, 2023

Sprinkles | Storm Birds | End-of-the-Year Awards | Officer Arellano | Hendy Day | Pet Wally | Ed Notes | Bainbridge Enhancements | Corner Saloon | Yesterday's Catch | Portuguese Hall | Banning Trump | Mules & Goats | Sweet Loss | Fed Up | Brightbead Cotoneaster | Progressive Podcasts | Jess Willard | Lottery Tickets | Dragon Year | Marco Radio | Seasons Greetings | Library Winners | Blacky Claus | PG&E Rates | Liquor Lips | Beavers Released | Narcotic Story | Art World | Free Palestine | Predictions 2024 | Cooking Chickens | Auld Lang Syne | Not Anti

Letters (December 31, 2023)

Tuesday, December 19th, 2023 — 700 Mendocino County workers — including road crews, public health nurses, and children’s social workers — voted to ratify a union contract with a 77% “yes” vote…

Falls City, Oregon: An American Town?

It’s a hot quiet weekday morning in Falls City, Oregon, which is more of a town than a city, at least by the standards of…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec. 30, 2023

Showers | Splash | Response Time | Vet Building | Waves | Husch Application | Open House | Cubbison Case | Ball Beach | Forum Impressions | Noyo Exit | Ed Notes | Riverboat Coverage | Petit Teton | Doctors Fundraiser | RR Crossing | Financial Literacy | Yesterday's Catch | Marco Radio | Grumpy Gramps | Afraid Americans | Young Punk | Senate Candidates | Senescent Miscreants | Mad Hatters | Disqualification Clause | Accident Report | Tattooed Savages | Splinter Year | Cheap Motel | Forecast 2024 | Corner Grocery

Schutz’s Angels & Other Christmas Oratorio

Forget the Christmas tree and Saint Nic’s suit, it is music that marks Germany’s greatest contributions to the holiday. Aside from any number of carols,…

Valley People (December 30, 2023)

THE FLOODGATE, RUSS EMAL WRITES: Butch just after buying the Floodgate. He stands next to the previous owner Margarette… After talking to Butch about this…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 29, 2023

Big Waves | Windy Showers | Noyo Sky | Coastal Waters | Tweeker Dawn | Adoption Event | Eel-Russian Project | Navarro River | Water Issues | Acoustic Folk/Pop | Rain Gear | Redding Bound | Cubbison Papers | Town Meeting | Food Banking | Lauren's Eve | Circle Dance | Vendors Market | Doctors Benefit | Pancake Breakfast | Assembly Candidates | Ed Notes | 2024 | Pathetic Life | Yesterday's Catch | Reno | Golden Gate | American Rhyme | McCheeseburgers | Democracy Dies | Wilt | Coconut Joe | Not War | Educated Idiot | Tree Commute | Election 2024 | Best Christmas | Ethnic Cleansing

Making Sense Of Justice

Christmas is nearly here and the New Year is just around the corner. I'm shame-faced as I just haven't had the time to get shopping…

Off the Record (December 29, 2023)

JOHN SHANDEL OF ALBION Sam Gitchell: There is a huge void in the universe. Albion Icon and the world's best neighbor has passed away at…
