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Posts published in February 2021

Perc Up Your Ears

Last Tuesday the following item appeared on the Mendocino supervisors consent calendar: “Item 8a) Authorize staff to Coordinate Anderson Valley Community Services District’s Access to Perform Preliminary Tests at County-Owned Fairgrounds in Boonville for Purpose…

Letters (February 3, 2021)

The seniors of the village of Comptche would like to express their delight and thanks to the Mendo Lake Food Hub, North Coast Opportunities, County...

Off the Record (February 3, 2021)

UKIAH POLICE OFFICER, Kevin Murray, presently in big trouble for a non-sanctioned interface with a sex worker in a Ukiah motel, is also the central figure in an excessive force case against his department, which…

Valley People (February 3, 2021)

RAINFALL TOTALS Typically, for this area, most of the rain falls during the three months of December, January, and February. In rough and round terms, we expect about 10 inches each of those months, which…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021

Showers | 19 New Cases | Mendo Covid | SF Scavengers | Nine Applicants | AVCSD Meeting | Quadruped Tree | AV Village | Local Art | Veggie Boxes | Stimulus Poll | Solid Waste | Quake Relief | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Costly Bet | $99 Down | Name Changes | Lowest Form | Cognitive Capacity | Folk Club | Superior Men | Go Bold | Past Bliss | Touch It | Great Poem | $2,000 Checks | Kingston Trio | Biden Curve | Albion Bridge | Precious Metals | Vaccine Plan | Police Review

Did The Elites Have Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Killed?

The most compelling argument against the existence of a vast conspiracy orchestrating the assassinations of Jack and Bobby Kennedy is that the brothers were never threats to ruling power. The Kennedys were card-carrying members of…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 1, 2021

Windy Rain | Rainfall Totals | Perc Test | McCall's Mill | Gardening Workshop | AVHC Accolades | Bourn's Landing | Health Struggle | Ransome Passes | Go Minor | Farm Box | Pants Afire | Pot Talk | Health Care | Jumping Jack | Ukiah Fiasco | Lane's Redwood | Empty Houses | Yesterday's Catch | Silver Squeeze | Rockport | Collective Fate | Chinatown 1875 | Generous India | Quadruped Tree | Piss Test | Tamed Animals | Millionaires Club | Mad Ones | Capitol Snitches | Other Writers | Cabana Resort | Lake County | Quake Crumble | Police Review | Fungal Question
