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Posts published in February 2021

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021

Breezy Gusty | 6 New Cases | Logging Industry | Pudding Creek | Not Lodging | Wendling Booming | Vaccination Numbers | Orchid | AV Vaccinations | FFA Dinner | Pet Daisy | Giant Sequoias | Friend Factor | Jazz Club | Ed Notes | Last Log | Ask Dan | Wolf | Thomas Carothers | Tiger Crash | Czar Sought | Ukiah Prowlers | Catching Jose | Yesterday's Catch | Remembering Ferlinghetti | Cornered | Sausalito Air | Rhino Research | ATT Memory | On Bus | Survival | Abortion Attacks | Black Hawk | Student Debt | Deregulated Power | Gold Cow | Dem Gov | Dog God | Marco Radio

The Villain Leshner

I don't know which chemicals are released in which parts of the brain, but there's a pleasurable rush when you find yourself in agreement with…

Shore Patrol School During WWII

When I was in charge of the Navy’s Shore Patrol battalion in Farragut, Idaho in 1944 I received a call from my commanding officer. He…

Old Goats & The World Series

Buttercup was crying the other morning out in the corral. Well, actually, she was bleating. Because Buttercup is a really old rather broken down black…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021

Breezy | 4 New Cases | Ag/Logging Vaccinations | Bluff Painting | Flashcinations | Yorkville Sandwiches | Hoophouse | Quarantine Challenges | William Poage | Boonville Forestry | McCowen Rumor | Country Road | Bad Actors | Big Saw | Gun Currency | Wakeup Call | Ed Notes | Bus Bridge | Streetscape Update | Noyo Pier | Pomo Challenge | Yesterday's Catch | That Day | Snorkled | Potatx Head | Tiny House | Testing Guidance | Founding Fathers | To Be | Healthcare Costs | Shawdowland | Mother Africa | Marco Radio | Waxy Cap

The Mendocino Outlaws

October, 1879 — Four men rode into the woods east of Mendocino. They unsaddled their horses then set up camp in an old hay shed.…

A Big, Shiny, Hollow Puzzle

We’ve been hearing “change is good” for so long some of us believe it, but the more changes I see the more things get worse. …

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Feb. 26, 2021

Chilly Mornings | 5 New Cases | Valerie Morse | Heron | Seen Barbara? | Downed Redwood | Groundhog Dayish | Gaytonville WSJ | Unity Club | Graceful Farewell | Curbside Library | Coast Deputy | Vaccine Distribution | Fire Crew | Asians Good | Coral Mushroom | Rail Trail | Beacon Abs | Ed Notes | Choose Damnation | Wheelchair Gang | Objectively Drunk | Old Clippings | Rutherford Found | Closing State | Yesterday's Catch | Remembering Ferlinghetti | Portrait | My Friend | With Howl | Trans Althletes | True Optimism | Underlying Conditions | Frozen Angel | Gina Canceled | Cagey Titles | Manichee | Sound Silence | Flight | F-35 Failed | Lithium Valley | Empty Houses | Opposing Tanden | Never Together

First New Year, Floodgate Bar

New Year's Eve, 1971-2, my consort and my first in Anderson Valley.  We had moved here from San Francisco on April Fools Day, been in…

McGuire’s Gravy Trail

In the huge, multi-million dollar study which McGuire’s Great Redwood Trail 2018 bill commissioned which was to be completed by last summer (it was), we…

Rush To Misjudgment

The first time I heard Rush Limbaugh was on my father’s car radio decades ago. Rush was lecturing away on some topic, I think illegal…
