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Posts published in “from the archives…”

“Use My Name and You’re Dead Meat”

A grim-faced Dominic Affinito, flanked by a pair of attorneys from the Ukiah law offices of Jared Carter, appeared in Fort Bragg’s Ten Mile Court…

Banker Dunham as Metaphor

Banker Norman Clow takes a bit of umbrage at Part I of “Fort Bragg Fires” where the AVA outlined Savings Bank Manager Bill Dunham's predatory…


When I worked for the American Petroleum Institute (the AMA of Big Oil) I was asked to evaluate a “documentary” on the smog in Los…

The China Trade

One of the most enduring farces in American foreign policy has been underway in China this week: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright allegedly engaging in…

The Wall

“The Wall” in Washington DC is a sacred place to Vietnam veterans. Built with private funds and spearheaded by ex-enlisted man Jan Scruggs, it represents…


In 1968, on the interstate just outside of Fayetteville, North Carolina, stood a billboard depicting a Ku Klux Klansman in full regalia atop a rearing…

Millennium Fever

A transcript of the KZYX radio show "Two Girls on the World" which aired on February 3, 1999. Clarissa Shaeffer: We have been talking about…

The City of Fort Bragg is Bankrupt

Reading the City of Fort Bragg’s annual budget package each June for the past seven years has been like trying to divine meaning from goat…


Perusing my correspondence, I see that one year ago almost to the day is when I started into this whole thing. It happened that I…
