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Posts published in “from the archives…”

Y2K or Not?

I don’t have the facts on this issue. A friend was just saying that I never let the facts get in the way of anything…

Cuba in the Global Era

As the Aerocaribe DC-9 began to descend into Havana, 45 minutes after it took off from Cancun, Mexico I read that Fidel Castro was preparing…

Killing for Honor

On X-Mas day, 1967, I went to my first and last sermon. We were guarding the perimeter of a forward artillery base carved into some…

Clinton’s Acquittal

There are two ways to look at Bill Clinton’s persecution, both of them valid, one inspiriting and the other dismal. The inspiriting truth about the…

National Notes

Many people go through life rehearsing a role they feel that the fates have in store for them, and I've long thought that Christopher Hitchens has been asking himself for years how it would feel to plant the Judas kiss

The Queen of Coyote Valley

Nobody really gives a damn about the Indians. They’re invisible until some tumultuous event like the 1995 shootings in Round Valley gets every one tut-tutting…

Guinea Pigs

The New York Post has, quite rightly, been raising a fuss over the disclosure that patients in the state health system are being dosed with…

Free Enterprise, Fort Bragg Style

In 1992, Patsy Burlesci was operating the Mendocino Popcorn Company in Fort Bragg’s Depot mini-mall. Mrs. Burlesci was also a foster parent and daycare operator.…
