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Posts published in “Essays”

The Cat Came Back

The early afternoon summer sun reflected off the lake onto my ceiling and danced on my desk. The front door to my little bachelor cottage…

Please, Mr. Santa Claus, Please

Dear Santa —  I’ve been a very good boy in 2003. Well, it’s all relative, right? Compared to Kobe Bryant and Paul Wolfowitz I look…


It may be that the interest in and affection for life in the old East Germany is a result of the current German “crisis” —…

Ten Years after NAFTA

Just after midnight, the pitch-black New Year’s night suddenly came alive with darting shadows. The slap-slap of rubber boots against the slick pavement echoed throughout…

Mexicans and Marijuana

A recent Associated Press story by Don Thompson reports: “Mexican cartels have taken over much of California's marijuana farming, boosting both the potency of the…

Artificial Eyes

Back in the last century, a densely-populated island called Manhattan housed numerous curious enclaves. On a single block, every store might sell political memorabilia. Seeking…

Hollywood Squares Classics

Q: If you're going to make a parachute jump, you should be at least how high? A: Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should…

Presidential Follicles

Voters don’t insist that presidential hair be life-like. It needn’t boast colors found in nature, but is expected to behave obediently, even opposing gale-force winds.…

The Steady Theft of Our Time

One of the worst things about today’s ultramodern systems of communication is hiding in plain sight: They waste our time. Sure, gizmos like computers and…
