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Posts published in “Essays”

The Endless Censoring Of Labor

Did you know about the Bush administration’s rot­ten treatment of the air traffic controllers whose work is essential to air safety? That controllers were forced to work long, fatiguing shifts with little time to rest?…

‘I’m Outta My Water’

On October 6 the Board of Supervisors unani­mously approved the 200-unit housing development project south of Ukiah known as “Garden’s Gate.” Ironists traveling Ukiah's State Street north of Gar­den's Gate will wonder where the garden…

Speed Willy

I met Speed Willy at a commune that I lived in. He was a good guy, but he was a late-comer to our commune and wasn’t into the more spiritual side of the commune. There were 120 of us at Harbin Hot Springs in 1969, and Willy was a realist, not spiritual at all.

California Was A Golden Dream

On the day I arrived in the Bay Area I got to Ber­keley just an hour or so too late to catch some films at Gilman presented by the multi-talented and ever-lovely Janelle Blarg, but…

HumCo Supes To Set-up Police Review Board

Years in the making, the creation of a county advi­sory committee on police issues is moving forward but a Board of Supervisors vote on it was not unanimous. A provision to allow an auditor or…

Boggle’s The Mind

A residential treatment center opened up recently near Seattle for people addicted to computer games. The first patient entered treatment after playing the online game “World of Warcraft” for up to 16 hours per day.…

Ukiah After Dark

With the annual exodus of university-bound young adults leaving Mendocino County for academic and party citadels across the nation, it would seem that many 20-something residents would be left with diminished recreational options. But when…

Food. Now.

After trundling around the mountain states for the better part of two weeks, I have some suggestions for what has come to be called the hospitality industry. In other words, motels and restaurants. There is…
