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Posts published in “Essays”

HumCo Rowdy Over Health Care

Congressman Mike Thompson answered questions, dispelled myths and endured occasional outbursts in a town hall meeting on what is now the nation’s most debated issue — health care reform. In a September 2 event that…

Bird’s Eye View 9/9/2009

 Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. What a busy Labor Day weekend! I attended the wonderful wedding of Denise Mattei and Alan Kendall in Philo on Saturday, an…

Deeper Into The Tunnel

As General Stan McChrystal plans his march on Washington to demand more troops in Afghanistan the antiwar movement lies on the sidewalk, as inert and forlorn as a homeless person in the rain at a…

Mellow Out, Mendo Drivers

To Whom It May Concern: Here’s the first thing you need to know: I’m a lot like you when it comes to driving in Mendocino County. I, too, drive often between the coast and Ukiah,…

Bird’s Eye View 9/2/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Although I was unable to attend the ICW meeting last Wednesday evening (not being invited didn’t help matters), I have been reliably…

Gary Sheppard’s Sudden Departure

Gary Sheppard died on July 7. A lot of you knew him. We were all affected by him. He was long prominent in Mendocino affairs. He was born in Los Angeles in October 1937 to…

Frank McCourt’s Wake

The crowd assembled Saturday afternoon at the Washington Square Bar & Grill in San Francisco to pay tribute to the fallen teacher and author of “Angela’s Ashes,” and “Teacher Man.” Most attendees were of an…

Teddy Kennedy, Hollow Champion

Teddy Kennedy's disasters were vivid. His legislative triumphs, draped in last week's obituaries with respectful homage, were far less colorful but they were actually devastating for the very constituencies — working people, organized labor —…

Blue Ribbon Fish Protection

Coastal residents are protective of Mendocino County’s wild and rugged coastline — so protective that when the state announced a process for new marine protection zones, environmental groups and seafood harvesters started organizing. The State…
