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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 4, 2015)

Many local people will no doubt be disappointed to hear that 40-year Valley resident, Diane Herron, will soon be departing to be with her family in Medford, Oregon.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 28, 2015)

This weekend sees the end of Daylight Savings Time and therefore the clocks go back. So when it is almost dark on Sunday evening, it will be 6pm, not 7pm.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 21, 2015)

Several Three-Dot regulars remarked on the strong aroma of marijuana emanating from a significant number of young folks in the Valley in recent weeks, many of whom have never been seen around here before. It is a mystery.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 14, 2015)

A Three-Dot regular reminds me that two of the current five members of the AV School Board are leaving when their terms end in less than a month. Martha “Marti” Bradford, who, after so many years service, to paraphrase an old Three-Dot joke, apparently will not be carried out of the boardroom in a box after all, and Patti Wilson. Richard “Dick” Browning’s term is also up, but I am reliably informed he plans to return and nobody has applied to oppose the sprightly 80-year old’s tenure at this point.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 7, 2015)

"The Porkie" served at the Navarro Store on Saturday and Sunday afternoons by Grill Master Guy Kephart is surely one of the Valley’s finest offerings. Pulled pork wallowing in bbq sauce and served with cole slaw on top, inside a lightly toasted sourdough bun. it just makes a perfectly serene Sunday afternoon amongst the Deep End redwoods even better.

Bird’s Eye View (Sep 30, 2015)

Following the events of the horrendous Valley Fire not too far away from here in recent times, the irrepressible Judy Long, President of the AV Volunteer Firefighters Association, made a presentation to our local ICW (Independent Career Women’s) organization last week with this in mind. These are some of her suggestions on preparedness in case a similarly awful event occurs in the Valley, along with some ideas from ICW members who were present.

Bird’s Eye View (Sep 23, 2015)

Despite widespread fears, only two local girls, now college graduates in fact, ran off with the carnies at this year’s Fair and both were back at work on Tuesday morning, neither of whom were the worse for wear for their experience.
