With the County Fair taking place this weekend, I would like to remind some of you, particularly the younger generation, that it is not all about the carnival rides and looking cool with your date — important though such pastimes certainly are. Try to also check out the various display halls featuring arts, crafts, agriculture, etc, along with the impressive livestock corrals, the traditional rodeo, and the always-exciting sheep dog trials. This Fair is a unique event and one of the few remaining of a dying breed, so why not broaden your horizons and enjoy everything “The Best Little Fair in the West” has to offer?
Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”
We have a very significant birthday celebration coming up this weekend here in Anderson Valley. Our community’s oldest man, Ross Murray, will be turning 97 years of age. Yes, Ross was born on 16th September, 1918!
Labor Day weekend is virtually upon us and while it’s not the “Mother of All Holidays” (that is obviously Thanksgiving), it is still a pretty good one as we celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. Labor Day has its origins in the labor union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest – seems about fair, although personally I continue to question the eight hours for work part.
I am pleased to report that our AV volunteer firefighters who have been battling the forest fires east of here for the past month or so have finally returned safely to the Valley. Great job one and all! The gratitude of many NorCal folks could not be more fully deserved.
Greetings one and all. Are you are sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. I am taking a break this week so the column will consist of just Public Service Announcements and other brief salutations and…
Statistics continue to support the impression created by the grim sequence of mass shootings in this country that such incidents are becoming more common. These are frequently highlighted by the ramshackle system of background checks for gun-buyers. Gun lobbyists and their allies say the answer is for more law-abiding Americans to carry guns in colleges, or shopping malls, or churches. This impulse to self-defense in kind is natural, but surely mistaken. Does keeping guns or carrying them around make people safer? All research suggests it does not. In fact keeping guns at home doubles the risk of a resulting homicide.
In today’s world, it seems that we all know too much about each other. Social media has some benefits certainly, but in terms of human development and interaction it’s dumbing us all down, in my humble opinion of course. Do we really need to be constantly reminded what a fantastic time someone is having while eating a ham sandwich?