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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (Dec 10, 2014)

Many people in the Valley who have chickens no doubt have their “horror” stories of their coops being invaded by various creatures that manage to get inside and then devour the defenseless brood. Well any such critters who may be thinking about making an “attack” on the plump and healthy looking chickens at Penny Royal Farm at the south end of Boonville will have to come up with quite a master plan to overcome the veritable “Chicken Castle” that has been built there alongside Hwy 128.

Bird’s Eye View (Dec 3, 2014)

The Redwood Classic high school basketball tournament, hosted by our local high school for nearly 60 years, starts today. So for all that is good about high school sports, plus plenty of excitement, head down to the gym in Boonville where the games come thick and fast over four days, with the Championship game on Saturday evening.

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 26, 2014)

I have a special treat for readers this week: an enlightening trip down Memory Lane to celebrate 10 years of A Bird’s Eye View. It all began on November 24, 2004 with the original column below in italics.

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 19, 2014)

Inevitably we have a huge screen television here at The Three-Dot Lounge, not just for the sports but for all sorts of other quality programming that is available to the discerning viewer. Perhaps some of those people in the Valley who never miss a chance to inform anyone listening that they don’t have a television, will also one day realize this. Yes, if one looks beyond regular network TV there is much that is informative, mentally stimulating, and entertaining to the intelligent adult.

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 12, 2014)

I was very pleased and honored to be able to attend the Veterans Day of Remembrance last Sunday morning at the Evergreen Cemetery just outside Boonville. There were around 60 people from a broad range of Valley backgrounds and groups in attendance to pay their respects to those who have given so much so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.

Bird’s Eye View (Nov 5, 2014)

This week Anderson Valley will commemorate Veterans Day (officially Tuesday Nov. 11) — the annual Veterans Day of Remembrance service at Evergreen Cemetery on AV Way just north of Boonville.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 29, 2014)

After all the hullabaloo of the past few weeks regarding the trials and tribulations at the AV Health Center, I think we need a little “love” to be spread around the Valley so let’s start this with some appropriate Quotes of the Week.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 22, 2014)

So, just over a week after the new doctor’s “Meet and Greet the Community” event, developments at the Health Center would seem to have taken on farcical proportions. Like many others, I have been inundated with a veritable surge of emails on this topic that all came from within the same group of about 80 Valley folks who make up a sincere, well-intentioned, and cohesive email assemblage whose efforts are commendable.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 15, 2014)

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Not much to report this week, primarily because I have not been…
