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Clear Water Ranch Reunion

Former Clear Water Ranch staff Bob Boettiger, Paul and Peggy Wiltse, Tina Lapides, Morgan Baynham, and Gail Ide all gathered to honor the recently deceased Co-Director Mik Hausauer. Beverly and Marvin Dutra, the owners and current stewards of this property, renamed Sweetwater Ranch, joined the circle under the huge old Oak that shaded the Ranch House from the 1940s when Susan Richards realized her dream of founding a safe, rural setting for young troubled children. All present felt their connection to this beautiful wild land, the children, each other and how their experiences here shaped so many young lives, including their own.

Under the supervision of the Co-Directors Bob and Mik, the shade of this old Oak provided a special place for these staff members and others who worked at Clear Water Ranch in the ‘70’s. They developed a mission that all felt, to bring everything they could to the children who passed through Clear Water. The staff were young, idealistic, searching for their paths in life, impacted by coming of age during the Viet Nam War. They wanted to make a difference. All who were here during those years including grounds workers, laundry and kitchen staff cared about and believed in the children. They were dedicated to making it a safe place, where children could run a little wild, while being loved, and nurtured, and taught through natural consequences. 

The impetus for this gathering was to honor and remember Mik. As all shared Mik stories, it became more than a memorial service. The picture all painted that day was, as Beverly said, a picture of a kind of Camelot, that brought out the best in everyone, and created community. Like Camelot, the stories of the children and what has happened since in everyone’s lives, inspired and reminded all to keep hope, and idealism alive, through easy and hard times. Like Camelot, Clear Water made a difference for the students and staff, that continues, and holds the possibility of rising again in some new form.

Caring for this land has been Beverly and Marvin’s calling since Clear Water closed in the late 1980s. Upon reflecting on the story Marvin told of how a huge limb of the Oak tree had fallen on the main house, miraculously not causing structural damage because of the strength of the stone chimney, Bob thought of the powerful connection between that tree and the children of Clear Water. The potential destruction of the main house by the tree limb brought to mind how destructive the children could be when they first arrived at the Ranch because of tough environments they came from, or because of their serious behavior disorders; the counselors, like the chimney, held and supported them, allowing the children to grow healthy roots, to realize their internal capacity to have joy, and to value themselves so they might reach their full potential. The Oak remains strong and resilient because of how Marvin and Beverly have supported it with cables and love, so that on this day, the tree’s solid presence enhanced the small memorial gathering with the lovely shade and protective cover it has long given to all the residents of the Ranch.

At the conclusion of this staff gathering on August 26, 2023, materials about Clear Water Ranch including a photo book of children who lived there between 1970 and 1976, and a binder with photos, articles, memorabilia, were presented to the Anderson Valley Historical Museum in Philo. Bob would like to encourage anyone who spent time at the Ranch during its operation (1940 to 1988), all who have stories/pictures, etc. of their experiences at the Ranch, visit the Museum and add to this binder. In the near future, there will also be movies of the children from Bob’s Carl’s House class (1970-72), available for viewing at the Museum. 

To round out the Museum’s display we are in search of a copy of Susan Richards’ book, entitled “The Way I Feel About The Hole Thing” (A Story of Clear Water Ranch Children’s house) published by the Clear Water Ranch, Santa Rosa Office, in 1981. If anyone has a copy of this book please contact Beverly Dutra, (707) 895-3747 or PO Box 577. Philo, CA 95466. She would like to make a copy or two to share with the museum, and to keep a copy at the Ranch.


  1. Glenn September 22, 2023

    Hello, I’m Glenn 1974 to 1981, I was in the units behind the kitchen near the storage, and then later, moved up on the hill across the creek (the swinging bridge), school was down the hill, across the from the kitchen and a creek was back behind that. Every summer it would have a temporary spillway placed there in the creek, so it could be damed up for swimming, it also helped so we could cross the creek and to a Apple orchard that wasn’t our. The only staff I can remember was Wanda Cooni (in the kitchen), Carl cooking (maintenance/volunteer ambulance driver) and an adopted girl named Melissa. In a barn in the back part of the property we’re 3 ponies, Muffin, Ginger and a white fat one named Susan, two geese roamed the property and tried (when they could), to get our snacks. On the road going out to the main highway was a Red House (called “the red house), there staff would live there on shift and we had a garden (kids) every year there.

    • Kevin Lockhart November 3, 2023

      im kevin lockhart i was at the cabins from 76-80 glenn what is your last name we lived at the cabins across the swinging bridge at the same time but i was in a bad car. accident and have some memory loss.
      carls full name was carl kinion
      my teacher was mike mcdonald lower classroom
      what happened to cisco the black and white pony
      i even helped build the kitchen at the cabins
      my last year there i went to anderson valley high

      • Glenn Grays November 3, 2023

        Grays is my last name, I too went to the lower classroom and I think it got hurt when it broke my arm from being spooked by a snake and was put down. Wanda kinion worked in the kitchen but not sure if she was a wife or sister. She had a adopted daughter named Melissa.

      • Sevete Roche February 9, 2024

        Are you the same Kevin that lived in the big red house with me? Your dad used to come and pick you up? You were blonde ?

    • Sevete Roche February 9, 2024

      There was a treehouse in the big tree in the center. And we all put our names in there. I wish I could get pictures of that if they were still there. I used to hide out in there when I was mad. Camp director Richard Hall was the only one that could talk me out of there. I miss that him he was a good man

  2. DEBRA ANN COE December 8, 2023

    Hi, I was also there as a child and please contact the Boonville library as they do have a copy of the book. I also have a photocopy of the book.
    Debra Coe

    • Cathy Calcagno February 15, 2024

      Hello been awhile since I had contact with you….
      I been wanting the book forever bc I remember she wrote about me in it…. I still remember that tree beautiful w a tire swing and at one huge trampoline just close enough for a dare devil me to jump on…. My favorite cake was the Lava chocolate yum, loved also the peanut butter and honey sandwich…. Loved also a young girl who was blind name Denise…. I hope I hear from you I am a gypsy now live in Colorado…1959-1962….

  3. DEBRA ANN COE December 8, 2023

    If we could upload I have a picture from 1970 when I was there I would love to share .

  4. Tam December 23, 2023

    James fisher came to the facility in 1971 I would love! to share my photo’s with you of James as well as receive photos ,books about the the ranch during 71_76

    Sincerely Tam

  5. Cathy Calcagno January 1, 2024

    I have wanted this book for a long time, I am in it because I was there from 1959-1962 man loved the place if my parents had asked if I wanted to go back there or special Ed I would have chosen to go back…..
    That amazing the tree still there 🌹 man what a time it was…. When I was there we had a trampoline eventually due me a dare devil was torn apart and we created a fort…. While I was there we had donkeys they would be brought down for rides…oh what memories I have especially about Susan Richards and the favorite cook….🌹😎❤️‍🩹

  6. Crystal Marie Jordan April 11, 2024

    Hi, I lived there in the early to mid eighties . Definitely was a troubled kid. I have nothing but fond memories of Clearwater ranch. In fact some of my only good memories of my childhood come from that era . Was such a a beautiful environment for a child to live in. I remember all us kids , walking down the hill picking black licorice plants and sucking on them in the hot sun. The beautiful 50s style cabins and no air conditioning with fans everywhere. I lived in a Green cabin with boys on one side and girls on another . I remember all meeting up and doing our big circles and singing ” Leaving on an airplane” Everytime someone left … Was a truly beautiful, loving environment…
    Blessings all…..

  7. frances dote June 8, 2024

    So very sorry to hear about Mik’s passing. I admired him and the ranch and all that Morgan and Laura were doing for
    the children. Those days were wonderful!! Mahalo, Frances Dote

  8. Stephen Thomas September 9, 2024

    Hi my name is Steven Thomas. I was there from 80 to 83. I believe it’s been a long time. I have a lot to share with. I do have photos. This is incredible. Place I have always dreamed about this place the best place I’ve ever been for a group home of being in the system from the age of seven till I was 18. Always wanted to go back there. Incredible experience all the ponies everything the swinging bridge I was in every house horizon Carl’s red house cheetah rainbow went to the school there. Remember the teacher used to come from Ukiah or San Francisco to teach us. I think I have photos of the backboard we used to play. Kickball again. Best place I ever been. I have a lot to share with. I just found out about this. It’s kind of emotional for me. It’s been one of the pinnacle memories of my childhood was Clearwater ranch, the damning of the creek we used to have watermelon play watermelon football used to grease up the watermelons.

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