Hopefully you are enjoying the spirit of the Holidays and may I take this opportunity for Hummingbird and I to wish you and yours the very best of health and happiness for 2016. OK— that’s enough sloppy sentimentality for any Turkey Vulture to express, so let’s move swiftly on with a few insights and hard facts as to what is going on in the world, “out there” beyond them there hills.
Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”
Merry/Happy Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzai/Holidays or whatever. I hope you are coping with all of the razzamatazz, hype, and pressure that this event smothers so many of us with. Every year it seems to get more frantic.
As I write, on a cold, wet, and windy Sunday morning, the power is out at The Nest in the hills above the Christine Woods region, and possibly the whole Valley for all I know. This happens a lot less frequently in recent years but I am somewhat at a loss as to how I will do so many of the things I take for granted, not to mention that with the internet out and spotty cellphone service up here I am virtually incommunicado with the outside world. Not a bad thing at times, but right now these technical difficulties are a little inconvenient.
What is surely an important yet too often ignored fact about life is death. So many of us put off much needed decision-making on this topic until it becomes a necessity, and at that point the ideal situations and resolutions for each for us may be difficult to come by. Here in the Valley we have a group of folks who are trying to help with this. Lauren Keating of Lauren’s Restaurant shared details of ongoing monthly meetings at her restaurant, at which many of the questions surrounding the complexities of later life are explored.
Like most self-respecting families all across the country, most of you were no doubt enjoying a delicious turkey for dinner last Thursday, but it would appear that Mr. and Mrs. Devil and the Devil Child had something else to eat. Bastards!
School Board update. In the latest developments, and with the final decisions taking place at the meeting tomorrow evening (Thursday, November 19) at the School Cafeteria beginning at 7pm, regulars at the Three-Dot report that two current members are staying on. Richard ‘Dick’ Browning and Erica Lemons. Two recently added members to the Board, not elected and whose appointments the vast majority of the general public is completely unaware of, are apparently parents of current school kids, obviously a good thing assuming the parents are up to taking on the position. The fifth member is to be decided.
Today is Veterans Day (Remembrance Day to those from Europe, Canada, and “The Colonies’). For the last six years, my good friend Steve Sparks, with help from the AV Veterans, has presented a special event at the Evergreen Cemetery to commemorate and show support and gratitude for those who gave their lives or were wounded in wars of the past, and for those who have served or continue to serve so that we may have the freedoms and liberties that we continue to enjoy today. Unfortunately there will be no such event today in Boonville.