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Posts published by “Turkey Vulture”

Bird’s Eye View (June 17, 2015)

So what is going to replace Coq au Vin restaurant? Rumors are it will be a fine dining establishment run by the folks who are behind The Bewildered Pig in St. Helena who currently operate a business next door to the restaurant location at the Floodgate and who modestly describe themselves as “purveyors of gastronomic pleasantries.” Surely we shall be the judge of that.

Bird’s Eye View (Jun 10, 2015)

I thought I might point out a few of the things that I observed on my travels beyond the Valley and across the seas as being, in my humble opinion, noticeably different than here. This topic could be the subject of a lengthy book of course but for current purposes let’s just have a few of the obvious ones in a somewhat simplistic form.

Bird’s Eye View (Jun 3, 2015)

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Normal service will be resumed next week. In the meantime here are…

Bird’s Eye View (May 27, 2015)

You may recall that, about six months ago, a Fox News “terrorist expert” claimed that Britain’s second biggest city, Birmingham, was “a totally Muslim city and a no-go area for non-Muslims.” American author Steve Emerson eventually apologized for his stupid remarks but not before they had sparked a national outrage across the UK and Prime Minister David Cameron had called Emerson “a complete idiot.”

Bird’s Eye View (May 20, 2015)

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I continue to be “unavoidably detained” and therefore this week’s column will…

Bird’s Eye View (May 13, 2015)

I am in the “big heart of England.” Birmingham, the second largest city in Britain after London, and enjoying a pint and a steak and kidney pie and chips at The New Inns, a classic old pub built in the early 1900s. As has been the case for centuries, the pubs are mostly very welcoming, particularly those outside the trendy city center areas, and intentionally provide a warm and cozy atmosphere somewhat representative of people’s living rooms.

Bird’s Eye View (May 6, 2015)

The news of Loretta Houck’s freakish yet awful accident last Thursday evening has resonated around the Valley as much as any such tragic accident in recent years.

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 29, 2015)

Many 3-Dot regulars attended last weekend’s Goat Festival and Wildflower Show and, while there were a few hiccups at this inaugural event, there is no doubt that the Goat Fest was well-received and has great potential. Several competitions took place along with various animal husbandry displays among the various vendors of food and drinks, including the always reliable beer and wine bar provided by the AV Lions.

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 22, 2015)

A couple of insightful observations made at the Historical Society’s Roundtable discussion based on life here in the Valley during the 1970s each resonated with a number of 3-Dot regulars. One was that back then many outsiders coming in to make a new life here found that they needed to work together with the residents for everyone to make a living; in the last couple of decades this has not necessarily been the case and we have witnessed many instances where the influx of people have set up businesses of their own and perhaps relationships with many local folks has not been the same.
