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Posts published by “Justine Frederiksen”

Russian Gulch State Park Waterfall Shortcut

I first heard about a faster way to the waterfall in Russian Gulch State Park years ago, but never tried it, because who needs a shortcut when the long way is so beautiful? Yes, the…

Lost On The Mendocino Coast

When’s the last time you asked someone for directions? And by someone I mean a live person, another human being you talked to face-to-face — something I call “Old School GPS.” While you’re trying to…

Sheriff, Ukiah Police Hire New Personnel

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office and the Ukiah Police Department recently introduced newly hired law enforcement personnel to the community. At the latest meeting of the Ukiah City Council on Sept. 18, Ukiah Police Chief…

Day Tripping – Perfect First Day Of Fall On Coast

Most days on the Mendocino Coast are beautiful, but last Sunday, the first day of Fall 2024, was quite possibly the most perfect day I’ve experienced there yet. First, the day started under a blanket…

Ukiah Valley Creeks Cleaned Of Trash, Encampments Saturday

Dozens of truckloads full of garbage were cleaned from multiple creek beds in the Ukiah Valley Saturday during the annual Russian River Cleanup. Much of the efforts were organized by the Mendocino County Resource Conservation…

Group Speaks Out To Supes On Homeless

A recently formed group of frustrated property and business owners addressed the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Tuesday to request they take more action to protect residents from the costs and damage inflicted by what…
