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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Goodbye Peak Oil, Hello Glut

I’ve never had much time for “peak oil” (the notion held with religious conviction by many on the left here, that world oil production either…

Populist For A Day

Did you catch Obama’s populist twitch? The moment when he tossed aside the stifling cloak of compromise, and like Joshua before the walls of Jericho…

The Wasteland

Across two evenings this week, we’ve been offered America’s future in a couple of visions. Neither of them offered the prime vitamin of bearable politics,…

The Real Obama

The White House that shook in last Tuesday’s earth­quake has been home to its present incumbent for 32 months. Obama wasn’t around to watch the…

Ready To Vote For Mitt Romney?

Start with Obama. Of course he blew it. Whether by artful design or by sheer timidity is immaterial. He blew it. Two days before the…

At Last! The Head of Ghad… General Younis

It is surely one of the great strategic screw-ups in the history of war and intelligence analysis. In March, after the second UN Security Council…

Apocalypse Nigh?

In these scandal-sodden weeks it’s been tough to write passionately about the fight over deficit reduction. I look up from some wearisome bulletin on the…
