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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Suddenly It’s Newt

Slapstick depends on repetition. The clown always slips in the pile of elephant crap, inevitably walks into the ladder. By such standards Mitt Romney is…

The “Left” & Libya

The last time we met Michael Bérubé was back in 2007, and he was up to his neck in a rubbish dump, where I’d placed…

Are Drum Circles Protected By The Constitution?

From Manhattan, to Nashville, to St Louis, to Port­land, Oregon, to Oakland, California, the police this week moved in to clear out the Occupy Wall…

He’s No Bill Clinton!

As he prepares to follow Gov. Rick Perry into the oubliette of campaign history Herman Cain can at least console himself that as an alleged…

Imperial Massacres

Denied post mortem imagery of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the world now has at its disposal photographs of Muammar Qaddafi, dispatched with a…

The Iranian ‘Plot’

First, a simple rule: utter absurdity in allegations lev­eled by the US government is no bar to a deferential hear­ing in our nation’s major conduits…

Trouble In The Kingdom

Threaten the stability of Saudi Arabia, as the Shi’a upsurges are now doing in Qatif, and al-Awamiyah in the country’s oil-rich Eastern Province and you’re…
