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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

NATO’s Debacle In Libya

After three and a half months of bombing and arms supply to various rebel factions, NATO's failure in its efforts to promote "regime change" in…

All The Publisher’s Men

Having spent many weeks amidst the Strauss-Kahn case listening the locals assert that America's justice is superior to France's, we're now pitchforked into the next…

Pure Victims, Real Human Beings

Straight from Riker’s Island to the Elysée? There’s a political arc worthy of Brecht and Weill! Dominique Strauss-Kahn was sprung from house arrest in Manhat­tan…

Nail That Coffin Shut!

How many nails does it require to whack down for­ever the coffin lid on European social democracy? Lenin, outraged in 1914 at the sight of…

Tinpot Bombardiers

The alleged purpose of UN Security Council resolution 1973, passed on March 17, was to seek to protect Libyan civilians from violent attacks by both…

Nutty Republicans

Will Palin run? Who knows, who cares? The press is agog because the ci-devant Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate is in the midst…

Was DSK Stitched Up?

The French are for the millionaire. The Americans are for the maid. Among the French, three out of five think the IMF’s former managing director,…

Was DSK Stitched Up?

The French are for the millionaire. The Americans are for the maid. Among the French, three out of five think the IMF’s former managing director,…

Who Do We Kill Next?

Pinko terror-symps and the “rule of law” gang may cavil and whine at the lack of legal propriety in the exe­cution of Osama, but it’s…
