[Nov 4]
Mendocino Strong Together is the theme of a fundraiser planned by local community members on Saturday, November 4 from 4:00 pm until 10:00 pm at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds. Mendocino Strong Together is a chance to change the lives of the survivors of the Redwood Complex Fire. There will be delicious food, talented entertainers, a silent auction and an exciting live auction... and most of all, a time to gather with our friends and neighbors as a community to begin the rebuilding phase of the terrible fire losses in Redwood and Potter Valleys. Every dollar collected at this event will go to a deserving family or business in need.
The event includes tri-tip and taco dinner, a stellar silent auction with music during these festivities by Alex DeGrassi, Margie Rice, Spencer Brewer, Ed Reinhart, Train Singer Greg Schindel and others, and a one of a kind ‘Only in Mendocino’ live auction hosted by Tom Allman. After dinner dance party music will be with Waylon and the Wildcats and the Johnny Young Band.
Tickets are available at all Mendo Mill locations, Mendocino Book Co, Chavez Market in Ukiah, JD Redhouse in Willits, and Geigers Market in Laytonville. They are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Children under five are free.
Auction items are needed for the Grand Local Auction of Great Items. Contact Lana Eberhard at 467-1018 at the Mendocino College Foundation to donate. Auction donations may be dropped off at the 1000 Hensley Creek Road from 9:00 am-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 pm. Deadline is November 1 at 4:00 pm.
Financial donations to support Mendocino Strong Together may be made at any branch of the Savings Bank of Mendocino County. All donations are going directly to those in need, are tax deductible and are being managed without a fee by North Coast Opportunities. Anyone who was displaced or is in need of assistance may go to the Local Assistance Center at Mendocino College and find information on many kinds of assistance from state and local agencies, including quick relief from NCO.
More information and updates are available at the Mendocino Strong Together Facebook page and www.MendocinoStrongTogether.com.
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