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WE OFTER HEAR of furriners other than Mexican nationals growing dope deep in the hills of Mendocino County and, for some obscure reason, they are often identified as Bulgarians. Same in Humboldt County. There was a nest of Bulgos in Covelo that was busted up by Mendo's famous lawman, Peter Hoyle, a few years ago. And just the other day a couple of girls, one a Brit, the other an Argentinian, both of them looking awfully upscale by outback dope standards, who were arrested on dope-related charges in Willits. The reputations of the Bulgos vary as does the description of their ethnicity. Often they're simply referred to as “East Europeans.” Some people claim they're tough characters with international drug cartel connections. Others that they're “good neighbors who treat their trimmers well.” Given the international flavor of the business over the past few years, it seems the world is still rushing in, that the Green Rush is still on.
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Camp And Sheriff’s Office Take 4,412 Plants In Blockburg
Humboldt County Press Release:

On August 28, 2014, at approximately 9am, Humboldt County Sheriff’s Deputies assisted by Campaign Against Marijuana Planting, served two Humboldt County Superior Court search warrants in the Blocksburg area of Humboldt County. When they deputies arrived, they located three suspects living in three travel trailers on the property near marijuana plants. Those suspects were detained and were identified as Steven Eric Anderson, 47 years old, from Ukiah, Viktor Kulikovskyi, 22 years old, from Ukraine and Roman Kozlenko, 23 years old, also from Ukraine. Both the Ukrainian men told the deputies they have been in the United States about three years and are in the United States on student work Visas.
When the deputies searched the property, they located 4,412 growing marijuana plants that ranged in size from one foot to 10 feet tall, approximately six pounds of processed marijuana bud, evidence the marijuana was being sold, and numerous chemicals and fertilizers that were being used on the marijuana plants. Some of the plants were grown in large greenhouses and others were outdoors. The deputies also located significant environmental damage to the area, including timber conversion and illegal roads. Large water tanks and water bladders were on the property and were being used to store water to water the marijuana plants.
The deputies have contacted Cal-Fire and California Fish and Wildlife regarding the environmental damage they witnessed, and will be forwarding the case to those agencies for possible additional charges.
All three men were arrested and transported to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility where they were booked on charges of cultivation, possession for sale and criminal conspiracy. Their bail was set at $25,000.00 each.
Anyone with information for the Sheriff’s Office regarding this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Sheriff’s Office at 707-445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at 707-268-2539.
TOM VARGA, Fort Bragg's water guy, says: “Since late July, the City of Fort Bragg has been on a restricted pumping regimen at the Noyo River water diversion. The city's permit for pumping from the Noyo establishes minimum bypass flows for the fisheries which require that, after flows in the river drop below 3 cubic feet per second, pumping is only allowed when the tides are above 2 feet in height. While the city's water treatment personnel have maintained sufficient water storage with water from the Noyo River diversion and the two other water sources, late-summer flows are continuing to decline. At this time, the city requests that all businesses and residents take immediate actions to reduce water consumption. Conservation measures include: reducing landscape irrigation; refraining from washing sidewalks, driveways and buildings; using shut-off mechanisms on hoses; only serving water to restaurant patrons upon request, and asking patrons at lodging establishments to reuse their linens and towels. After Labor Day, the city's water demands typically decline along with the number of tourists in town. The city is hoping that, if everyone pitches in to conserve water for the next few weeks, the city can avoid declaration of a ‘water emergency’ and implementation of mandatory water conservation measures.” For information, contact Tom Varga, Fort Bragg public works director, 707-961-2824 ext. 117.
HERE AT THE AVA, we don't worry our pretty little heads much about global affairs although, like many of our readers, we stay informed and also like many of you, we wring our hands and shout lamentations whenever the big picture stuff looms up in our viewshed.
TAKE THE BEHEADERS rampaging in Mesopotamia. Like Obama, apparently, we have no idea how to stop the ISIS rampage short of a re-investment of American troops, and even the great warriors of Fox News — almost all of them draft dodgers, by the way — seem opposed to another ground invasion. If any of these creeps, from Bush-Cheney on down through O'Reilly and Hannitty, had any sense of honor they'd commit suicide on national television. You shouldn't be able to be that wrong about something that causes millions of people to die and escape with presidential libraries and fat television contracts. ISIS will be stopped, if they're stopped, by other Arabs, most of whom, presumably, don't want to go back to 11th century living.
WE BRING IT UP, the big picture, that is, because we mentioned the “informed” of trying to keep intelligently up with what's happening in the world outside Boonville. For the ISIS rampage and that part of the world generally, Patrick Cockburn's reporting is the best there is. By far. You can find him on-line at the British paper, The Independent, the Guardian and on CounterPunch.
AS FOR BEING GENERALLY INFORMED on everything else, and on the off chance you're interested, we stick pretty much to print media — magazine journalism mostly. Never see the New York Times, but we do scan on-line the Daily Beast, the Daily Mail (a hoot and a half), the SF Chron (hugely deteriorated), and all the Mendo papers which, collectively, can be digested in about ten minutes a week. I read The New Yorker, sometimes Harper’s, and the New Left Review. I used to read Grand Street when Ben Sonnenberg was doing it and it was the best literary mag ever. Everything else out there in the way of highbrow seems to me simply awful. The New York Review of Books is politically Clintonoid and mostly boring as hell, but once every few issues they'll have something good by Larry McMurtry or some other non-academic. The London Review of Books is the best print publication there is. Period. And not politically wed to the flabby liberalism characteristic of the New York Review. Much better writing, too.
A GUY WROTE in the other week to say he thought I was too contemptuous of NPR. I don't hear it that much, but when I do I find its chirpy presentations highly irritating whatever the subject. Some of the human interest stories are interesting and well done. But politically, NPR is obliviously mainstream Democrat — comfortable programming for comfortable people. The antidote would be Democracy Now with Amy Goodman's grim, tight-lipped jubilation that it's all going to hell fast and we're all a buncha racist dog-pigs too. She reminds me of a half-cracked old aunt of mine who'd come over to the house and deliver an hour's monologue about who just died, who wasn't long for the world, who was sick and maybe on the way out, and wrap it up with a recitation of her ailments. The American left, when there was a left, used to have a few personalities with a sense of humor. They left with the left.
THE ONLY AUDIO I like, or look forward to hearing, is Michael Krasny on KQED. He's very smart, erudite, and he keeps the conversation moving along. He's the last man standing in Talk Show World.
RARELY TUNE in the nutballs of the political right. People like Glen Beck, Limbaugh, and the clowns and big breasted clownettes of Fox News are no good for anything but a reminder of how many mean, stupid bastards there are in this country. I've dreamed of getting in punching distance of Hannitty, but I do my push-ups and uphill walking in the hope…
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimmed their clammy cell.
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reaped furrow sound asleep,
Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers;
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cider-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.
Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,---
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir, the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft,
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
— John Keats

On August 26, 2014 at approximately 9:45am, Mendocino County Sheriff Deputies were dispatched to a residence in the 13000 block of Verde Drive in Mendocino, California to a report of a burglary in progress. An agent of Shoreline Properties reported that unknown subjects were occupying a vacation rental property. Deputies responded to the location where they contacted Jenifer Borges, 44, of Fort Bragg and Tucker Chester, 31, of Fort Bragg. Deputies were told the couple had permission to occupy the residence and had supposedly been residing in the vacation rental property since the day prior and using the utilities at the location. Upon further investigation, Deputies discovered that Chester was in possession of rubber gloves, burglary tools and was on active Mendocino County Probation for burglary. Borges was also found to be on summary probation for possession of controlled substances. The Shoreline Properties agent confirmed that Borges and Chester did not have permission to be at the residence. Borges and Chester were placed under arrest without incident and transported to the Mendocino County Jail. Borges was booked on violations of burglary and a violation of probation and was to be held in lieu of $55,000.00 bail. Chester was booked on violations of burglary, violation of probation and possession of burglary tools and was to be held on a No-Bail status.
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ON AUGUST 24, 2014 Deputies from the Mendocino County Sheriff's Officer were assisting the Willits Police Department on an investigation near a residence in the 200 block of Alice Drive in Willits, California. While at the location Deputies contacted John Graham, 33, of Willits, who was walking along the street. Deputies learned Graham was on probation and began a search of Graham per his probation terms. Graham initially complied however during the search he attempted to pull away. Deputies located a usable quantity (approximately .8 grams) of suspected cocaine in Graham's pocket. While placing Graham in handcuffs he attempted to pull away and escape arrest. After a brief struggle Graham was eventually placed in handcuffs. Graham was arrested and booked into the Mendocino County Jail on charges of possessing cocaine and resisting arrest. Graham was to be held in lieu of 15,000 bail.
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ON AUGUST 23, 2014 at 6:14pm, Officers on patrol in the area of Geary and Arguello Blvd saw a female park in a disabled parking space and walk towards a nearby store. The officers parked their vehicle next to the disabled spot and saw a parking placard hanging from the mirror. A short time later the officer saw the female walking back towards her vehicle. When the female made eye contact she transitioned from a normal walk to a heavy right side limp. The female stated the placard was issued to her mother and further stated that her mother was in the store which she had just left. The officer offered to escort the female back to the store in an effort to contact the placards owner. On hearing this the female then told the officer that her mother was not in the in the store but was in fact at home. The female was cited for placard misuse and the placard confiscated.
The Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP) conducted a lower Eel River reconnaissance on Tuesday, August 26 to document record low flows. According to the U.S. Geologic Survey flow gauge at Scotia, the main Eel River was running at just 28 cubic feet per second (cfs), which is tied for the lowest average daily flow for the same date in 1924. Since there is potential for another month or more before the rains, the Eel River may disconnect or go dry in some locations, with substantial implications for water quality and aquatic life.
Looking downstream off Fernbridge in the early afternoon of August 26, the high tide somewhat masked the low flow problem, but it was very apparent looking upstream. The main Eel River above the bridge was barely flowing at the next riffle. Native early run fall Chinook salmon enter the Eel River estuary in late August and have historically moved upstream to hold in lower river pools. The recent weak flow years have caused filling in the lower river, diminishing pool holding capacity and making riffles shallower and more dangerous for salmon to cross. River flow will have to increase substantially for fish to pass upstream and pools above and below Fernbridge are too shallow for adult holding this year.
The riffle upstream of the 12th Street Pool at the River Lodge is very broad and only inches deep and also poses a threat to migrating salmon. Tire tracks at the riffle crest indicated that it was frequently crossed by recreational vehicle users. Dried algae bands, 10 feet wide or more, were an indication of the recent decrease in flows. Resting cormorants, sea gulls and mergansers on the gravel bar were a sign that there were still fish to be eaten in the pool. The water temperature of 72 degrees F would be stressful for adult salmon and is much warmer than in normal flow years.
The Van Duzen River has been underground for the last month because of sediment over-supply, but the pool at its convergence with the Eel River was surveyed. Foam and nuisance algae blooms formed the boundary of the pool, but water clarity was good and the amount of suspended algae in the water column was low.
Algae beds make dissolved oxygen by photosynthesizing during the day, but deplete oxygen at night, which can causes stress or mortality for holding adult salmon and steelhead. A reconnaissance dive of the Van Duzen/Eel convergence pool found only juvenile warm water fish, but no concentration of large adult pikeminnow as documented in 2013 at this location. The pool depth diminished since last winter and the carrying capacity for adult Chinook salmon holding will consequently be lower than last year. Late arriving summer steelhead bound for the Van Duzen River often hold in this pool. Although they eluded the lone diver, one was seen leaping after the dive, indicating some are surviving despite the drought. Similar low flow conditions and possible impediments to fish passage were also photo-documented on the same date upstream at Scotia, Stafford and Holmes (see slide show at www.eelriverrecovery.org).
According to the USGS flow gauge on the main Eel at Fort Seward, flows dropped as low as 3 cfs mid-month and the Wiyot Tribe reported that the river was losing surface flow near Alderpoint late last week. However, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) increased flows from the Potter Valley Project beginning on August 16 from approximately 10 cfs to 25 cfs. Flows increased to 25 cfs at Fort Seward on August 26, because it took several days travel time. A similar jump will occur in the lower Eel River at Scotia over the next few days as the water progresses downstream. PG&E will be continuing to run elevated flows through at least October 15 as a required by the National Marine Fisheries Service and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Spring rains filled Pillsbury Reservoir and the agencies are using stored “block water” reserved for fish to improve river flows due to the drought emergency.
Flows on the South Fork Eel River, which is undammed, have declined to 12 cfs at Leggett and 12 cfs downstream at Miranda. Historically flow would have increased in a downstream direction. The all time historic low at Leggett was 10 cfs on the same date in 1992 and 11 cfs at Miranda in 1949, respectively.
Any water withdrawals this late in the season for human use are undesirable and cessation of diversion might help the Eel River and its tributaries to stay connected. The ERRP was formed in 2011 in part to assist citizens with scientific monitoring of Eel River ecological conditions. Volunteers are encouraged to share photos documenting low flows over the next month from throughout the watershed. ERRP is also about to begin a water conservation and pollution prevention project that will supply technical assistance to private land owners and small water districts. This is based on the assumption that, if flow and water quality are improved, the Eel River will be more resistant to extreme droughts that are expected to come with climate change. Call 223-7200 to learn more, to provide information, or to request monitoring assistance.
by Ryan Burns
A California State Parks ranger has been stripped of his peace officer status and placed on administrative leave after he was arrested for allegedly driving his state-issued vehicle under the influence of alcohol. A source snapped the above photo of the ranger, whose name is Tyson Young, after trying and failing to wake him and then calling 911, he told the Outpost.
This source, who asked to remain anonymous, said that on the afternoon of Aug. 15 he spotted a State Parks vehicle parked irregularly along State Route 254, aka the “Avenue of the Giants” in Humboldt Redwoods State Park. When he stopped to investigate he noticed that the park ranger’s head was leaned against the inside doorjamb.
Worried that the ranger might be hurt, the man tried to wake him, calling out “sir! sir!” and banging on the front and back of the vehicle, he said. Then he reached through the open window. “I shook him, really shook him,” the man said. “And then I saw the beer between his legs.”
The man said he called 911 and then snapped a photo of Young while waiting for officers to respond. Before they arrived, however, Young woke up and started driving northbound.
Officers responding from the California Highway Patrol’s Garberville office spotted Young’s vehicle heading north near Myers Flat and pulled him over.
“Young displayed objective symptoms of intoxication and was detained for a DUI investigation,” said CHP Officer Patrick Bourassa.
Young was then taken to the Garberville CHP office where he was evaluated and subsequently arrested for driving under the influence, Bourassa said. “He was cited and released to a State Parks supervisor with a notice to appear in court,” Bourassa said, adding that the Garberville CHP office is conducting an investigation which it will soon forward to the District Attorney with a request that DUI charges be filed.
Young is also facing an investigation from California State Parks. “We do not tolerate the use of alcohol in the workplace,” said State Parks Spokesperson Vicky Waters. “We take matters like this very seriously.” Young has been placed on administrative leave pending the results of the investigation.
(Courtesy, LostCoastOutpost.com)
RESPONSE TO GJ'S REPORT ON ANIMAL CONTROL DELAYED — Due to technical difficulties today, we were unable to post to the District Attorney web site the official response to the Grand Jury report on animal control services. We apologize for any inconvenience. We plan to have the report posted on the web site on Tuesday. Thanks for your patience, Mike Geniella, District Attorney Press Liaison.
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THE ELEMENTS of the Grand Jury’s Animal Control report which applied to the District Attorney were:
Summary: The 2013-2014 Grand Jury found a consistent problem with communication between Animal Control, Animal Care, the District Attorney’s Office, veterinarians, and the public. The Grand Jury is recommending changes to address these problems. The Grand Jury recommends that Animal Control and Animal Care be re-integrated into one operational unit under the Sheriff’s Office. This Grand Jury investigated ethics violations during the handling of large animal abuse and neglect cases, resulting in a report, Animal Control Confidentiality Violations. This led to further investigation of the County’s entire delivery system of animal control and care. Major issues at the Animal Care Shelter are discussed in a second report, County Delivery of Animal Care Services. This report covers issues that contribute to the dysfunction of overall delivery of services including:
- Problems of data communication between two different county agencies
- Lack of written policies and procedures with respect to inter-departmental interactions
- Inadequate staffing
- Inequitable salary structures not commensurate with responsibilities
- Issues associated with the interaction between the county agencies and private veterinarians
- Prosecution concerns
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The District Attorney’s Office does not give a high priority to animal neglect or abuse cases.
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Finding F22.Veterinarians and Animal Control Officers are concerned about the District Attorney’s lack of prosecution of animal abuse or neglect cases.
Finding F23.The District Attorney’s reluctance to prosecute animal abuse cases, for whatever reason, has led to abusive owners keeping the abused animals longer.
Finding F24.Lack of prosecution leads to Animal Control putting more emphasis on working with abusive owners longer in an attempt to alter owner behavior before proceeding with removal of the animals.
Recommendation R11.The District Attorney and the County Sheriff meet to establish guidelines setting forth the standards necessary to refer a case to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
CATCH OF THE DAY, August 29, 2014

BALDEMAR ALVAREZ, Willits. Marijuana cultivation.
KENNETH ELLER, McKinleyville. DUI causing injury (two counts), driving when license is suspended or revoked for DUI, circumvention of ignition interlock device.
ADAN GARCIA-GODINEZ, California. DUI, probation revoked.
RAY GASKINS, Oakland. Sale/transport/furnishing of marijuana, possession for sale of marijuana.
PAUL GOLYER, Ukiah. Drunk in public, resisting arrest, probation revoked.
LAURIE HAYES, Covelo. Violation of a court order, probation revoked.
CHARLES HENSLEY, Ukiah. Drunk in public, probation revoked. (Frequent flyer.)

JOSE HERNANDEZ, Ukiah. Possession of meth, possession of drug paraphernalia.
SPENCER MASTIN, Ukiah. Drunk in public, probation revoked.
VICTOR MORA, Ukiah. Under the influence, possession of a weapon, ex-felon with firearm, possession of drug paraphernalia, probation revocation.
JUSTIN PEACOCK, Fort Bragg. Drunk in Public. (“Race: Vietnamese” — Maybe this guy is so loaded he thinks he's Vietnamese. If he is, he's got to be the only blonde Vietnamese male in Mendocino County.)
JOHNEEN WEBBER, Willits. Possession of meth, contempt of court.
AMANDA WHITAKER, Livermore. DUI (drugs).
MONICA ZYNDA, Willits. DUI (drugs).
AV Community Farm, on Lambert Lane (Lambert Ranch Road) in Boonville, sells at the Boonville Farmers’ Market and has CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture memberships) available
Blue Meadow Farm has a stand at the corner of Hwy 128 and Holmes Ranch Road.
Brock Farms sells at the Boonville Farmers’ Market and has a stand at the corner of Hwy 128 and Peachland Rd - follow the signs.
Emerald Earth offers pastured poultry eggs, $6/dozen, in the fridge in the hallway of the Ferrer building, behind Farmhouse Mercantile.
Filigreen Farm, on Anderson Valley Way, has a new farm stand.
Gowan’s Oak Tree, on Hwy 128 north of Philo, is a farm stand. (the oldest still in existence?)
McEwen Family Farm sells at the Boonville Farmers’ Market.
Petit Teton Farm, on Hwy 128 between Boonville and Yorkville, has a variety of produce and eggs available at its farm stand. (See info below.)
Philo Apple Farm, on Greenwood Road by the bridge, has a farm stand.
Philo Hill Farm is on Hwy 128 in Philo, at the new Lula Cellars Home Vineyard, and sells at the Boonville Farmers’ Market.
Yorkville Olive Ranch sells at the Boonville Farmers’ Market.
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The AV Senior/Community Center has a vegetable garden that is providing some of the produce for the meals there. All community members are encouraged to take advantage of this local food opportunity. For meal schedule and more information go to avseniorcenter.blogspot.comor call Gina at 895-3609.
Eateries in Anderson Valley that support our farmers by using locally grown produce are Aquarelle Cafe, Boont Berry Farm, Boonville General Store, Boonville Hotel, Coq au Vin, Lauren’s Café, Paysanne and Mosswood Market. (Lauren’sidentifies local ingredients in many of the offerings on it’s menu.)
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The AV Foodshed Steering Committee meets the first week of each month, at varying days and times. All are welcome to join in with ideas, either by coming to a meeting, emailing this address or calling either Jim at 496-8725 or Cindy at 895-2949. We have a variety of on-going projects to become involved with.
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AV Foodshed is sponsoring the second annual Rural Living Skills Demonstrations at the Fair. If you have a skill that you would like to share, please reply or call Valerie 367-2143 or Cindy 895-2949.
We also need people to be in the booth during demonstrations to help. Please let us know if you can help AV Foodshed in this way.
There are one-hour time slots throughout the weekend for demonstration or discussion of topics related to living rurally and doing it yourself. The Foodshed booth is adjacent to Apple Tasting in the Ag Building.
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From the AV Food Bank: Gardeners, Farmers and Produce Growers of all kinds, please remember Food Bank days (3rd Tuesday of every month) as a place to donate your extra produce. It will be greatly appreciated. Please drop off on the Monday before, behind Boonville Methodist Church. Thanks
If you need someone to glean your produce to take to the Food Bank, contact Valerie Kim at valerie.h.kim@gmail.com.
Denisse Mattei is the Food Bank director. You can reach her at 895-3763.
California has been a national leader in expanding solar energy usage. So it was good news--but not much of a surprise--when once again this month solar advocates scored a victory with the passage of Assembly Bill 2188. Once signed by the Govenor, AB 2188 will streamline permitting processes for solar projects statewide.
While here Mendocino County we already benefit from streamlined solar permitting processes, the passage of AB 2188 another demonstration of the good news that solar is now going mainstream accross the state, and beyond.
In the words of Bernadette Del Chiaro, Executive Director of CALSEIA, the solar industry association leading support for AB 2188: "Onward & Upwards!”
Bruce Erickson & Maggie Watson, Mendocino Solar Service
Dear Editor,
I wish! I wish there was someone who was here and going to "save the world" for us! Unfortunately, Mr. McEwen misunderstood the message of the UFO talk he reported on…
Several decades ago while studying at Calif. College of Arts and Crafts, I was obligated to take various art history courses. As most art until relatively recently was religious, it was the study of the world's religions as much as the study of art. As we worked through these religions, I was struck by how the basic tenants were all the same: love each other, take care of each other, treat one another as you would want to be treated. It was the followers of the great teachers who founded religions after them who put on the separatist and divisive "this way is the only way" dogma. I also noticed that they all expected their "savior/leader" to come back at roughly this time in history (except, of course, the Jews, who have been expecting their Messiah for more than 2,000 years.) I began to think that they were all the same great being, "reincarnated" in different parts of the world to teach people the truth of life: that we are all one family, and must treat each other so; and that the one that all the world's major religions expect is actually the same, very evolved being.
Knowing how entrenched in their own "religious" ideas people are, including atheists, I held my tongue and said nothing about my revelations for more than 10 years. Eventually, I came across a group of people studying the "Ageless Wisdom Teachings", which holds the same ideas I had: The world's major religions expect the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, Maitreya Buddha, the Christ - all names for the same great teacher, the "World Teacher", who returns as the teacher and guide for all humanity, religious and non-religious alike. His personal name is Maitreya, and he comes with his group, people who have been on the path longer, made less mistakes, and evolved to become masters of themselves and the earthly plane - we call them "Masters of Wisdom". They teach that if we are to survive, we must share the world's resources equitably, and treat each other as we would a beloved sister or brother or other family member... If Mr. McEwen calls "Democratic Socialism" a religion, that is his prerogative…Unfortunately, we have to choose to do this ourselves. No spiritual or religious teacher, no matter how wise or "evolved", can do this for us - forcing any political system on us cannot work, as can be seen in countless examples across the world. What may start out as a good idea, forced on people, doesn't work. So, the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom come to inspire us to create a brilliant new civilization based on justice and sharing…but WE must do the work; we must be our OWN savior.
The idea that the intricate, geometrically perfect designs created in wheat fields, commonly called "crop circles" could all be made by a few people with boards and strings, is to me, ludicrous. Even the engineers at -- said it would take them a week just to lay out one of the intricate designs! Most people, Mr. McEwen included, hear this message through their own filters, and interpret it with their own wiring. It amazes me how narrow minded people still are, and that they dismiss the evidence of the Space People as faked. Well, there are still those who think the world is flat, and that the moon landing was a hoax.
The talk "UFOs and Their Spiritual Mission" made enormous sense to me.
Sincerely, Nancy MacLeod, Philo
I read just recently that the White House “…doesn't have a policy, yet…” on the ISIS deal. So, hey, maybe we're finally getting somewhere. Since previous 'policies' have largely MADE ISIS, it would seem wise to start with none. Policy (however you spell it) that shows the world 'we' can outdo anybody in the ways of lawlessness and Terror clearly has gotten us Nowhere, fast. I'd recommend further ending the drive-by 'policy' of drone strikes; ending the 'unofficial policy' of interfering in the democratic processes of other nations, even if we don't like the conclusions they reach in their democratic functions; even ending the participation in the making of policy by 'commercial interests' so manifestly NOT in accord with the interests of Humans, our freedoms, and the most basic requirements of Vital Signs. When this White House, or any of the sad assortment preceding it, says it has no policy, that may be a very good thing...provided the White House is not actually lying.
Thanks once again for The Most Excellent Newspaper.
Rick Weddle, Hawaii
Dear Editor:
The accidential killing of a gun instructor by a 9 year girl firing an Uzi in the automatic mode was the result of sheer stupidity by three adults - the gun instructor and the parents. What sort of parents get their kicks out watching a young child shoot an automatic weapon? The poor girl will be scarred for life by this accident. The parents should be charged with child abuse. The incident is a reflection of our country's wild west approach to guns.
In peace, Jim Updegraff, Sacramento
by Dan Bacher
As members of the Hoopa Valley, Yurok, Karuk, Winnemem and other Tribes and their allies held a “Bring Our Water Home Rally” at Lewiston Dam Wednesday, a federal judge in Fresno rejected a motion by San Joaquin Valley agribusiness interests to block emergency water releases to avert a fish kill on the Klamath River.
U.S. District Judge Lawrence J. O'Neill denied the temporary restraining order (TRO) sought by Westlands Water and the San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority after the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation increased releases on the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam on Saturday, August 23.
O’Neill ruled that potential harm to salmon facing low and warm water conditions at this time outweighs the potential harm to irrigators, who receive Trinity River water through the Central Valley Project, next year.
Tribal leaders, fishermen and scientists pressured the Bureau to release the water to prevent a fish kill like the one that took place in September 2002 on the lower Klamath, when over 68,000 died of disease spurred by low and warm water conditions.
“The judge’s denial of the TRO made my day,” said Dania Colegrove, a member of the Hoopa Valley Tribe and organizer for Got Water? “The Bureau made their decision after weeks of us waiting to see if they were going to let the salmon die before releasing water. This is water that belongs in the river. Westlands is just going have to cut back because the health of the river needs to come first before the crops that get shipped out of the country."
The judge agreed with federal, state and Tribal scientists that conditions similar to those that preceded the fish kill of 2002 warranted the emergency releases.
“The flow augmentation releases are designed to prevent a potentially serious fish die-off from impacting salmon populations entering the Klamath River estuary. There is no dispute—and the record clearly reflects—that the 2002 fish kill had severe impacts on commercial fishing interests and tribal fishing rights, and that another fish kill would likely have similar impacts," said Judge O'Neill.
Hoopa Valley Fisheries Department manager Mike Orcutt told the Two Rivers Tribune, “It's great for the tribes and a good example of the capabilities of the Hoopa Valley Tribe and others who have worked hard on the court case—the Yurok Tribe and commercial fishermen (Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations). It’s also good that federal trust responsibility to the tribes is finally being acknowledged and mentioned federal court orders.”
During the rally on Wednesday, Buster Attebery, Karuk Tribal Chairman, summed up the problem that the Klamath River system faces when much of the water of its largest tributary, the Trinity, is diverted for agribusiness interests on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley.
“They treat our river as a tributary of the Sacramento River,” he said. “We are not a tributary of the Sacramento River!”
In his ruling, O'Neill cited statements from Joshua Strange, tribal fisheries consultant, that the emergency water releases were needed to prevent an outbreak of disease from Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis), that infects fish when they are crowded together in low, warm water conditions.
"Dr. Joshua Strange, who among the testifying experts appears to have the most relevant background, education and experience relative to the key issues, emphasized the importance of the flow component in light of the biology of the Ich parasite...Dr. Strange emphasized the importance of preventing an Ich outbreak before one occurs, given that it is very difficult to get ahead of the disease once it takes hold in a population."
The Judge also disagreed with the plaintiffs' expert, Dr. Charles Hanson, that the 2014 flow augmentation releases (FARs) would harm the winter-run and spring run Chinook on the Sacramento River by potentially impacting the pool of cold water available in the Upper Trinity River and Upper Sacramento River in 2015.
"Reclamation’s Mr. Milligan agrees that the 2014 FARs have the potential to impact the cold water pool, Milligan Decl. at ¶10, but this does not necessarily translate into an inability to protect fish runs in the Sacramento River Basin. Reclamation concluded that implementation of the 2014 FARs will not foreclose its ability to implement protective measures called for in the relevant ESA biological opinions governing listed species in the Sacramento River Basin. Plaintiffs have submitted no evidence to the contrary," O'Neill concluded.
Reclamation began increasing releases from Lewiston Dam at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 23, from approximately 450 cubic feet per second to approximately 950 cfs to achieve a flow rate of 2,500 cfs in the lower Klamath River.
At 7 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 25, the Bureau increased releases from Lewiston Dam to approximately 2,450 cfs to achieve a flow rate of approximately 4,000 cfs in the lower Klamath River.
That release was maintained for approximately 24 hours before returning to approximately 950 cfs and will be regulated at approximately that level as necessary to maintain lower Klamath River flows at 2,500 cfs until approximately Sunday, Sept. 14. "River and fishery conditions will be continuously monitored, and those conditions will determine the duration," the Bureau stated.
HELP WANTED: Good morning, Please know that I am looking for something to do which benefits society. I have enjoyed two weeks of R&R since returning from New Orleans, but do not wish to be idle. Therefore, I am looking for a situation which will enable me to act for the benefit of society. My needs are small; I have a back pack and duffel bag, and I require a place to sleep at night. Otherwise, I am able to provide for myself. Telephone messages may be left for me at (510) 529-4420 or email CraigStehr@inbox.com. Peace, Love, and Happiness for all, Craig Louis Stehr
MENDOCINO COUNTY DROUGHT AD HOC COMMITTEE, Thursday, September 4, 2014.2pm. Sheriff’s Office Of Emergency Services, 951 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, Ca 95482. Committee Members: Supervisors Brown And Hamburg. Order Of Agenda (1) Open Meeting (2) Public Expression (3) Discussion And Update Of Assistance Given To The County By The State (4) Discussion And Update Of County Departmental Activities To Address The Ongoing Drought (5) Other Business: A. Announcements/Other Business b. Matters from Staff/Scheduling of Next Meeting
Thank you!
Your support at our annual Ambulance Fund Raising BBQ was unbelievable! A special thanks to the Anderson Valley Lions Club for making this event possible. We live in a wonderful community and for this we’re so grateful.
In addition to the people who attended the function a big Thank You goes out to the following, who donated items and wine for our silent auction. In no particular order: Anderson Valley Brewing Co., Larry Mailliard, Pepperwood Pottery, Goldeneye Winery, Elk Cove Inn & Spa, Navarro General Store, Lauren’s Restaurant, Handley Cellars, Tom McFadden, Watch Tower Wines, Meyer Family Cellars, Pennyroyal Farms, Deep End Wine, Sony Hatcher, Bink Winery, Brutocao Cellars, Elke Winery, Husch Vineyards, Libby’s Restaurant, Signal Ridge Winery, Coq Au Vin Restaurant, Blue Meadow Farms, Boonville Hotel, The General Store, Toulouse Winery, Navarro Vineyards, Hardbite Cider, Greenwood Ridge Vineyards, Architectural Elements, By Design, Anderson Valley Nursery, Lee Serrie, Christine Clark, Carrie Pomeroy, Judy Nelson, Helen Papke, Eugenia Herr, Muriel Ellis, Terry McSweeney-Ryder, and lastly The Joe Blow Band, who had everyone dancing and tapping their feet. If we’ve forgotten anyone please forgive us.
Anderson Valley Ambulance Board
I wholeheartedly agree with your suicide edict for the politicos/Fox assholes. On the other hand, if they should be made to commit suicide on national tv, so should the proprietors of Emerald Earth, whatever the hell that is, be made to join in the suicide fray as well for having the unmitigated gall to charge $6.00 for a dozen eggs.
“only serving water to restaurant patrons upon request”: Table of 16, 8 oz of water each comes to 1 gallon for all.
I don’t auppose it hurts, but it is kind of foolish to think it does much good.