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A Sobering Discussion At The MCHCD Special Board Meeting

The board of directors for the Mendocino Coast Health Care District (MCHCD) met this afternoon primarily to approve the board's response to the Mendocino County Civil Grand Jury report. In the consent section of the agenda, I was appointed to the MCHCD Planning Committee.

After the Grand Jury response was approved, there was a very sobering discussion of finances that has serious implications for all of the community here on the coast. Adventist Health had submitted a report covering needed maintenance items both short and long term that will cost into the tens of millions of dollars. Given that our hospital is 60+ years old, and hospitals tend not to age as gracefully as houses, it's understandable that there would be some serious money involved in what is needed.

Our hospital, under state law, has to be made earthquake-safe in the coming years. While it may be that the approaching deadline will be extended, it will still need to be met at some point -- and that will take money that it doesn't look like we will have under the current level of funding. The question naturally arises: do we retrofit and upgrade the existing structures, or build a new hospital? That issue, in turn, opens the door to far wider concerns.

What kind of hospital do we need here on the coast? And how much can we afford? We know that access to health care is already a serious issue. Our shortage of housing makes it difficult to attract and retain medical professionals. A sizeable percentage of our population is aging, and will require a range of medical services. We have an influx of younger families with a different set of needs. As our demographics continue to change, so will our needs as a community, What practices do we need, and how can we provide facilities for them will continue to be vital questions.

These are issues that the board will have to wrestle with in the coming months, and the community needs to be involved. There is an election coming up in November with two seats on that board needing to be filled. I'm a candidate for one of them. I am committed to keeping our hospital here on the coast with as wide a range of care as possible. My candidacy is endorsed by two of the continuing members of the board, Chair Paul Garza and Director Susan Savage.

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