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United States Becoming A Failed State?

Is the United States becoming a failed state? The performance of our elected officials now, in the MAGA era, certainly seems to indicate that it is; while the world is filled with urgent business that we should be conducting to deal with existential problems like climate change, nuclear holocaust and the survival of our country as a democracy, instead we find ourselves endlessly fighting rearguard actions to preserve rights that most of us have assumed were our birthright as Americans from being stripped away by a well organized religious zealot minority who believe that their God has empowered them to shove their dogma down the rest of our throats!

Unfortunately, due to the villainy of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stealing a Supreme Court appointment that rightfully belonged to Barack Obama, we are now condemned to live with the disastrous far-right ultra religiously dogmatic Catholic supermajority on the highest court in the land. These fools, who represent only a small minority of Americans, are unfortunately in a position to render their uptight, sanctimonious ‘morality’ into laws that will apply to all of us, whether or not we subscribe to their bizarre beliefs.

What could be more central to the long-term survival of humans as a species, living in somewhat civilized political circumstances than population control? I remember, as a child, when I first heard about the terrible famine in Ethiopia, that it was obviously humanity’s gigantic open question as to whether those of us who happened to live in more temperate and productive food producing areas would send massive amounts of food relief aid to wherever it was needed in the world. And what if those starving masses wish to continue a cultural norm of excessive reproduction?

It was long before I had heard about Rev. Malthus and his theories about human reproduction ever pushing the limits of the food supply, until the deus ex machina of war, famine, etc. imposes limits. Such an unnecessarily harsh and violent limiting factor compared to what it would be if society as a whole took steps to manage population growth by less draconian means.

What a blessing from the gods, it seemed to me, even at a young, way pre-sexual age, to have the incredible blessing of The Pill! What an incredible liberation for humanity! That people can enjoy the pleasures of sex without creating a global surfeit of offspring!

I would laugh if it were not so serious about the bizarre Supreme Court we are all forced to suffer under until one or more of these zealots on the court either dies (please God) or is impeached for their serial lying to Congress before their appointments. Having mouthed all the right lies about Roe V Wade being ‘settled law’, they failed to inform their interlocutors about the fact that once they were in their lifetime positions they were ready to pitch that ‘stare decisis’ over the side to make room for their sickening Dobbs decision, overturning Roe V Wade. This absolute outrage of tyranny by one small faction ruling over the rest of us is right now creating dire consequences across the land. Troubled pregnancies are not rare, and very often need to have a failed fetus removed from the mother’s womb, both for the life of the mother and the cost of her future fertility. A nauseating clown show is unfolding across the fruited plain, with each right wing Republican state trying to outdo each other with draconian ‘pro-life’ nonsense laws, resulting in good faith gynecologists closing their practices and leaving those states. Can you blame them? Who wants to risk being thrown in prison for 10 years for helping a woman get rid of a failed pregnancy? And what will happen to all those women once there are no more gynecologists?

It has also affected in a large way colleges in a lot of these nutcase states. Who wants to go to college where if you happen to get an accidental pregnancy you’re treated like a criminal?

And don’t think that this out-of-control Supreme Court is done with denying women access to reproductive care; next they are already talking about going after contraceptives! And while they’re at it, interracial marriage, which, perhaps the most mentally deranged justice on the court, Thomas, would no doubt vote to ban even though his wife is white! Talk about a sick puppy!

I would just like to see the Supreme Court go on the record that they think that sex is dirty and awful and no one should engage in it except for reproduction. Would that even wake people up? Hopefully they might discover that sex is an amazingly popular thing! Perhaps one that they might consider spending more time doing with their partners and less time doing to us!

And now the Supreme Court, in the unkindest cut of all, seems to be slow walking the case of this lifetime career white-collar criminal, tax cheat, con artist, sexual assaulter, rapist, incontinent, orange Jesus, perhaps until after the next presidential election! Apparently, they want to ‘hear his arguments‘ for the bizarre claim that he should be forever immune from, say, ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political rival or stage a violent coup! Really!?

As a surprisingly solid witness, Stormy Daniels, said; time to flush the orange turd down the toilet!

(For this and previous columns, go to

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