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‘The Broken Process At Family And Children’s Services’

"The mission of the California Department of Social Services is to serve, aid, and protect needy and vulnerable children…"

California Department of Social Services Mission Statement


Mendocino County’s Family and Children Services (FCS) Unit under the Social Services Department (DSS) has struggled for years to provide required services to our children; there are several reasons FCS is challenged. The Mendocino County Civil Grand Jury (Grand Jury) investigated Family and Children’s Services because of a complaint regarding reports filed late to the Superior Court and short-staffing due, in part, to unfilled positions and a four-day workweek which leaves the FCS offices closed to the public on Fridays.

When the Grand Jury began to investigate, it was discovered there had been several investigative reports produced by past grand juries regarding issues in FCS. This is of concern to our community and to the disenfranchised fostered children in Mendocino County. The lack of adequate staffing, staffing turnover and high caseloads for social workers complicates the timely filing of court reports.

Social workers are required to produce reports from the time the child/children are removed from their home until the resolution or permanent placement has been achieved. When vulnerable families are separated an anxiety-fueled frustration is created, and the longer the separation, the more toxic the stress. Everyone in the family is affected, not just the child/children. Late reports contribute to longer separation.

The Grand Jury found that not only was there no easy fix but there was more than one problem to solve. However, one of our findings produced a shining star: there are talented, dedicated people who work at FCS and who attempt to provide quality services to the children and families of Mendocino County.

A cross-section of issues must be addressed to help ensure Mendocino County children and youth in foster care find safety, stability and success. Together, the Federal, State and County governments, advocates, children in foster care, the educational system and other stakeholders must work to establish effective policies and programs.

Late report filing, short-staffing, added responsibilities, a short workweek and other roadblocks cause cases to be delayed. Getting families through the court process, into counseling and into family reunification or placement as soon as possible is crucial in order to minimize the trauma to children in foster care.

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